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Author's POV

The night has come was gone, and the three were cleaning the club up from its massacre last night.


"EVERYBODY THROW YOUR HANDS UP TO CLOUDNINE! " (Y/N) jumped up and down as her fun-filled (E/C) eyes mixed with the the colors of the flashing lights. The crowd screamed and threw their hands and phones up in an excited and pumped up manner. Music and cheer filled the air. And behind that, were two boys.

"Holy shit dude! " Adam had a huge grin adorning his face as he held up a hand to cover his eyes from the blinding lights. Cody not too far from him.

"We hit the jackpot! "

"Soon enough we'll have enough money to go travel-" Cody paused before his green eyes met a pair of blue ones.

"BACK HOME! " they fist-bumped each other the dorkiest way possible.

"I'll finally get to see my ma and pa! " Adam yelled as he cupped his hands in an eccentric manner, yelling his words out.

"I'm finally going to see my little sister!" Cody copied Adam's actions, and they both chuckled.

The party was most enjoyable, especially with their new android.

End of Flashback

"How was the party last night for you, (Y/N)?" Cody looked over his shoulder as he lifted up a few bottles of beer off the ground.

(Y/N) tilted her head slightly to the side as her LED flashed yellow. She was helping Cody picking up the scattered beer bottles on the ground while Adam cleaned the bar.
"My opinion doesn't matter, Cody. " (Y/N) smiled as she continued to carry the three bottles she had to the empty boxes. Cody sighed at her response, but tried to keep his slightly more positive side up.

"You can go ahead and look around since you weren't able to yesterday, (Y/N). I think I can handle it from here. " He suggested. The MP300 looked at his direction then nodded, and off she went.

The Employees Only Room

(Y/N) stood just in front of the door leading to the 'Employees Only' room. And there she stood in the middle of a slightly cramped but homey room. There were three small sofas surrounding a wooden coffee table. A grey mini-fridge stood next to one of the sofas. Pizza boxes piled up on the top of the mini-fridge. There was an office chair in front of a computer and a small potted plant next to it. The room had no windows, and only one light which lit up the entire room. The walls were painted in white as well as the ceiling, but the floor had the same style as the one in the main area outside, a black color with small, colorful dots scattered everywhere. Finally, there were 3 picture frames hung above each sofa. One had a picture of Adam and Cody side-hugging each other (Adam was trying due to his height) in front of the CloudNine Club

'This must've been when they first opened the place. ' (Y/N) thought as she turned to look at the next picture. It shown a kid with blonde hair, bright and happy blue eyes, and a missing tooth. The child wore a dark blue shirt with brown shorts and was inbetween two adults. A man and a woman. The man had a beard and brown hair with blue eyes and had the biggest smile on his face. The woman had blonde, long, wavy hair tied into a ponytail with side bangs, two grey-ish, blue-ish eyes, and a sweet, warm smile on her face. 'Adam's family.. ' (Y/N) managed to piece the family portrait together then moved to the last one. There was a teenage boy, looks to be about 14, he had brown hair and emerald green eyes. He was holding a baby wrapped in a pink blanket. She was smiling as her eyes were shut. The two were probably siblings. 'Cody...' (Y/N)'s lips twitched upwards as she thought of Cody taking care of his little sister, and Adam having spending time with his family.

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