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Back to CloudNine Club

Author's POV

"How much longer, Cody?" Adam sighed as he slipped his hands into the borrowed black jacket of Cody and leaned his smaller frame into his taller best friend's. Cody glanced at his blonde friend with a raised brow, but turned into a slightly satisfied smile as he saw that Adam kinda fit in his clothes.

"What do you mean? " He looked back at the blaring lights and pounding speakers. There, standing above it all, was the most energetic android you'd see. (Y/N). Their music note. Their little sister figure.

"..How much longer to get back home? " Adam slouched forward, only to receive a hard hit on his back, leaving a rather loud THWACK! and a forced proper posture.

"Don't slouch. " Cody joked, but he pat his best friend's shoulder. "It won't be too long now. " He looked over at Adam with a side smile. "Now, why don't you go over by the bar and drink a little? You've been out of it ever since our argument. " With a nod of agreement, the smaller male left with a small wave over his shoulder.

Cody turned his attention back to (Y/N). The way she bounced up and down, the big fat smile on her face, even the way the headphones would almost fall from her head. She seemed so lively, so human. It amazes him so much on no matter who you are, it's always pleasing to look at such a smile and joy radiate from them. Such a pity, he thinks, humans treat androids like animals. They tie them up, and teach them tricks, teach them to obey, when to sit, and when to stand. He sighs and scratches the back of his neck. Closing his eyes as he hangs his head low. But as soon as he looks up, he catches a pair of brown eyes. He takes a stumbles back from the sudden change of view, but steadies himself as he realized it was just a girl. Probably around his age. Now that he got a closer look at her- she had a light complexion, long and silky red hair. Although the beauty, the bags under her eyes indicated some lack of sleep.

"Hey handsome," her breath stank of alcohol, lots of it. "Alone? " she wiggled her eyebrows as she snaked her hands up Cody's chest and around his neck. Her lips messy with red lipstick. Cody cringed a little, already disliking him. And that was rare of him to do so, he usually got along well with everyone.

"Yeah. " He said. Putting his hands on her waist and trying to avoid the skin showing from her black crop top. "But I really need to-"

"Aw baby, don't be shy~" She pressed her body up against Cody. Her pupils were dilated. "Why don't we get out of here and, " the girl leaned up to the terrified male's ear and whispered. "do something fun? "

"Ahah.. " Cody laughed awkwardly. He did his best to give her a sincere smile and push her away. "I need to get to my best friend. "

"Aw come on, I don't bite! " The girl kept insisting. Before she could even force Cody's head down to kiss her, a familiar voice interrupted the painfully awkward situation.

"Hey Cody! " Adam. Both the girl and Cody looked at the -now- smug blonde. He ripped the girl off and laughed a little. "Sorry baby, but my buddy isn't interested. " The girl pouted with a huff, then marched her way back into the crowd. Cody let out a loud sigh of relief before messing Adam's hand up.

"Thanks Adam. "

"Hey, you looked like you were physically dying, and mentally wanted to cry. " Adam laughed once more. "It was fucking hilarious, I'm gonna be honest! Dude, you have issues with trying to get a date! "

"I'm not trying to get a date, I'm waiting.. " Cody sheepishly fiddled with his fingers as he looked at his hands, slightly red in embarrassment.

"Are you the fuckers who insulted my girlfriend? " A deep voice appeared behind Adam. Cody snapped his head up, and saw that this dude was almost exactly his height. Adam turned around then smirked, the alcohol he drank earlier filling him up with confidence.
"Yeah man! Keep that slut to yourself! " The blonde nudged Cody's shoulder with his elbow, but when he saw Cody and white as a ghost, he slowly turned back to the well-built male. Just as he did, he got a hard punch to his nose, he heard it break at he landed on his back beside Cody.

"Hey! " Cody yelled before tackling the man and punching him in the face, but only to be rolled over so that he gets his turn in taking the punches.

The man stands up, holding Cody by the collar of his blue, button-up shirt and throw him on top of Adam, earning a grunt of pain.

Your POV

"ALRIGHT EVRERYBODYY! " I yelled with all my might as I switch the anticipating tunes to a badass best drop. As I do, I see, from the corner of my optical units, Adam and Cody being beaten up by some... Asshole.

The happy-go-lucky grin on my face was slapped off. My attention was all on them now. I ignored the boo's of the audience, and the complaints echoing from the crowd. I watched as hands were thrown left and right, Adam's bleeding nose made me cringe, as well as the blue hue on Cody's right cheek. The two were wobbling on their feet, and landed on either their butt or back from trying to withstand the punches thrown by the seemingly bigger male.



"BOO! "

So many things were happening at once. I felt myself overheating from the amount of protocols coming into my optical units. I couldn't take it, my friends were being beaten up, I couldn't stand there.. I couldn't.. They needed my help.. I need to.. I need.. I want to help them.

|Continue the party|

Suddenly, red walls were to the exit of my booth. I slowly walked over there and pressed the palm of my hand against the structure and saw the lettering which annoyed me to hell.

|Don't do anything|


|Continue the party|


|You're just a machine|


I blinked, and once I opened my eyes, it felt like a weight was being lifted from my shoulders. I quickly turn to the direction of the boys.

This was it, I'm a deviant..

(Salutations! Enjoying so far? Give me a follow and I'll keep you updated on the book!)

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