Chapter 17

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One week later..

Bayley woke up and pulled herself out of bed, trying to make her way downstairs.

"Hey, be careful." Seth said as he walked out of his room in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

Bayley leaned against the stairway railing as she examined Seth.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Seth asked.

Bayley let out a small smile and tried not to laugh.

"Is your hair always this messy in the morning?" Bayley laughed.

"You've been stuck in that bed for a week and the first thing you do when you get back on your feet is make fun of my hair?" Seth asked her in amusement.

"I'm not making fun.. It's actually kind of cute." Bayley said as she put her hand on his head, messing it up even more.

Seth felt his cheeks grow warm as he began to blush.

"Okay, stop it. Let's get you downstairs." Seth said.

Bayley laughed and slowly made her way down the stairs as Seth walked with her. 

"Ow." Bayley said.

"Are you okay?" Seth asked her.

"Yeah.. my ribs are still a little sore." Bayley told him.

Seth looked at her helplessly as they made their way to the bottom of the stairs.

"Darling, is that you?" Damien asked as he approached her and Seth.

"Good morning, daddy." Bayley said as he kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm glad you can finally join us all. You've been missing out on Seth's bed head." Damien joked.

Bayley looked over at Seth and laughed as he rolled his eyes.

"Why is everyone picking on my hair today?" Seth asked as he walked into the dining room with everyone else.

Damien helped Bayley to a chair at the dining table as Seth poured her a cup of coffee.

"Thank you." Bayley said as Seth sat down next to her.

"Now that you are walking, you can dance at the charity event tomorrow evening." Damien said as he sat down at the table.

"I forgot that was tomorrow." Bayley said.

"What is it for again?" Seth asked.

"Cancer patients. It was Bayley's idea." Damien said.

Seth looked over at Bayley with surprise.

"My friend Liv.. Her father was leukemia and they can barely afford treatment. And my mother.. She had breast cancer.." Bayley said.

"Bayley went down to the children's hospital in Oakville a few months ago and met with some of the patients there.. She came home and had with this idea for the charity event.. So all of the money we donate tomorrow will be going to the hospital." Damien said.

"Wow, that's amazing." Seth said as he looked at Bayley with admiration.

"I still wish we could help out Liv and her father.. She's still just a kid, she shouldn't have to work all those double shifts at the pizza shack to pay for treatment." Bayley said.

"She is still coming tomorrow night though?" Damien asked.

"As far as I know." Bayley said.

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