Chapter 4

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Becky opened her eyes to find ashes floating in the smoke-filled air. All she could hear was a loud piercing sound as she looked over at Renee's body.

"Renee!" Becky tried to yell as she reached out for her hand.

Alexa woke up after Becky and could barely move. She turned her head over and saw Sasha laying next to her.

"Sasha?" She asked.

Sasha wasn't moving. It took everything Alexa had inside of her to crawl over to Sasha.

"Sasha!" Alexa yelled as she tried to wake her up.

Becky pulled herself up, trying to fight through the pain. She made her way over to Renee and checked for a pulse.

"She's not breathing." Becky said in a panic as she hearing began to come back.

Alexa checked for a pulse on Sasha with her hands shaking. She let out a sigh of relief as Sasha began to open her eyes.

"Oh thank god." Alexa said with tears in her eyes.

Becky looked over and saw Brie laying in the other side of Renee.

"Shit." Becky said as she rushed over and checked for a pulse.

Alexa looked up and saw the look of concern on Becky's face. Suddenly, an ambulance pulled up and parked in the middle of the street.

"Help!" Becky yelled as two medics rushed over to her.

"These two aren't breathing!" Becky said.

"We can only take one right now, there are more ambulances on their way." The medic said.

Becky looked at Brie and Renee and thought of Seth and Dean.

"Take her." Becky said as she pointed to Renee.

Becky watched as they put Renee onto a gurney and loaded her into got he ambulance.

Another ambulance pulled up almost immediately.

"Help! Over here!" Becky yelled.

The medics jumped out and loaded Brie onto a gurney as police began arriving to the scene. Fire fighters arrived next, hoping to put out the fire.

After about a half an hour, more paramedics arrived to the scene and tended to the other victims.

"Did everyone you were with make it out?" A police officer asked.

"Charlotte Flair didn't make it out." Alexa told the officers.

Sasha watched as firefighters pulled a body out of the building.

"Did you see anyone inside of any importance? Someone that might be a target?" An officer asked Becky.

"Mayor McMahon." Becky said as she watched the fire.

"The Mayor was inside the building when the explosion went off?" An officer asked.

"Yes." Becky said as she looked over at Sasha and Alexa.

On the Eastside, Damien Clark arrived at his residence at the edge of town. He walked inside to find Cody and Brandi Rhodes, Samoa Joe, Baron Corbin, Karl Anderson and Aj Lee waiting at the dining table.

"I see everyone is here." Damien said as he sat down.

"We have a problem." Joe said.

"I thought we took out the Mayor?" Damien asked.

"Alexa Bliss and Sasha Banks were also in the building, as well as one of Adrian's top guards." Cody informed him.

"I see.." Damien said as he thought to himself.

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