Chapter 3

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9 hours before the explosion

The next morning, on the Westside, Roman woke up to the sound of "Should I Stay or Should I Go" by The Clash blaring throughout the apartment. He threw his pillow over his face, hoping to block out the music but it didn't work. Roman got out of bed in annoyance and stormed into the kitchen where Renee was dancing in her pajamas.

"Morning! French toast?" She asked with a smile on her face as she continued dancing.

Roman rolled his eyes and laughed at her.

"You're the devil." Roman said as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

Across the hall, Bayley made everyone breakfast as they got ready for their day.

"Thanks for breakfast but I really have to get going." Kenny said as he rushed out the door.

"Same." Sonya said as she followed behind him.

Bayley stood there in frustration, looking at all the food she a cooked.

"You cooked all this for me?" Aj asked as he walked out of his room in sweatpants.

Bayley watched as he sat down at the table filled with food.

"Yes Aj.. All of this is for you." Bayley laughed as someone knocked at her door.

"Shit. Does this mean I have to share?" Aj asked.

"Swear jar." Bayley said as she opened the door.

"Morning." Finn greeted her.

"Finn? I didn't know you were coming by this morning." Bayley said.

"I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by." Finn told her.

Aj laughed at the kitchen table.

"But you live on the Southside." Bayley said.

"Okay.. You're going to make me say it then.. I wanted to see you." Finn said.

A smile came across Bayley's face and she looked into his eyes.

"Come on inside." Bayley said.

"Wow." Finn said as he saw all the food on the table.

"Sit down and have whatever you'd like." Bayley said.

"You did all this?" Finn asked as he sat down across from Aj.

"Yep." Bayley said as she poured Finn a cup of coffee.

Aj stared Finn down as he reached for the last chocolate chip pancake. Finn looked up to find Aj squinting his eyes at him. Finn immediately dropped the pancake and grabbed a muffin instead. Aj smiled and took the pancake for himself.

"Here you go." Bayley said as she handed him his coffee.

"Thank you." Finn said as Bayley sat down next to him.

"Oh man, this is so good!" Aj said in a heavy southern accent as he enjoyed his pancake.

Bayley and Finn looked down at Aj in annoyance.

"So there is this restaurant downtown that I have been wanting to check out." Finn said.

"Are you asking me out to dinner?" Bayley asked him.

"I'm trying to, yes." Finn laughed.

"I'd love to." Bayley said.

Aj watched their exchange awkwardly.

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