Chapter 16

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That morning on the Eastside, everyone met in the dining room to discuss the current situation.

"I got there not even thirty seconds after Anderson left his shift." Joe told everyone.

"So someone knew when you guys were coming and going." Seth said.

"Bayley knew when we were coming and going, it wasn't hard to figure out." Joe said.

"It had to have been Sanchez." Cody said.

"No, he would be stupid to do that. We agreed to leave Bayley and Alexa out of this. They are off limits." Damien told everyone.

"It still could have been him. Sanchez has never been one for following the rules." Seth added.

"How do we know you didn't do it?" Finn asked as he walked into the room.

"Finn." Damien stopped him.

"He works for Sanchez! I mean come on, how blind do all of you have to be to not see that it was him! Did no one see the bruises on her face when we finally got her back? He did that!" Finn yelled in frustration.

"That wasn't me." Seth said quietly.

"Either way, you were still responsible. I don't trust you." Finn said as he got in Seth's face.

"I didn't do this." Seth said in frustration.

"That's probably why you've been around here so much, right? You were trying to get close enough to kill her?" Finn continued.

"I would never hurt her!" Seth yelled in defense.

Everyone watched with concern as Finn and Seth stared at each other aggressively.

"You already have." Finn said.

Seth stormed off out onto the balcony.

"You should go home, Finn." Damien told him.

"Excuse me?" Finn asked.

"I trust that Seth didn't do this.  If you can't accept that and move on then you shouldn't be here." Damien told Finn.

Finn looked at Damien with disbelief.

"Then I guess I'll leave." Finn said as she walked out of the dining room.

On the balcony, Seth sat down and leaned against the railing as tears filled his eyes. He buried his face in his hands as Finn's words replayed in his head. Damien walked out onto the balcony and sat down across from Seth.

"I didn't do it." Seth told him as a tear fell from his face.

"I believe you." Damien told him.

Seth looked up at him in surprise.

"You do?" Seth asked.

"I've seen the way you look at my daughter. It's the same way your father used to look at your mother. That's how I know you would never hurt my baby girl." Damien told Seth.

Seth looked down at the ground uncomfortably.

"Do you know why I asked you to come work for me, Seth?" Damien asked.

"No." Seth said.

"Because I see something in you, son. And maybe I have a soft spot for you because of your father but I think you have the potential to be a decent person." Damien said.

Greenville: Season TwoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora