Chapter 5

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On the Westside, Finn arrived at Bayley's apartment to pick her up for dinner.

"Maybe we should stay in tonight.. I mean after the explosion.." Bayley said.

"Um.. Yeah, sure." Finn said as Kenny walked into the kitchen.

"Looks like we are all staying in tonight." Kenny said as he grabbed a water from the refrigerator.

Sonya and Aj were sitting at the dining table drinking beers.

"Who the fuck bombs a bridal shop?" Sonya asked.

Bayley looked at Sonya with annoyance.

"Jar." She said.

Sonya rolled his eyes and put a dollar in the swear jar.

"Do you guys want me to order pizza?" Bayley asked.

"Pizza sounds great." Finn said as he sat down with Sonya and Aj.

Back on the Northside, Seth and Becky returned to the mansion to find everyone gearing up.

"What's going on?" Seth asked.

"We need you to come with us. Clark's got a daughter on the Westside." Randy said.

Becky looked to Seth desperately.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something.." Becky tried to tell him.

"It looks like they really need my help, babe. We'll talk when I get back, okay?" Seth said.

"Yeah, okay." Becky said unfortunately as Seth kissed her on the forehead.

She stood there and watched as Seth walked out the door with Miz and Randy.

Down the hall, Sasha approached Alexa's room with their tub of cookie dough ice cream and two spoons. She knocked on the door and let herself in.

"Ice cream?" Sasha asked.

Alexa looked at her and smiled. Sasha walked over and crawled into bed with Alexa. They sat up against the headboard, both sharing the blanket.

"Does this mean we are officially friends?" Alexa asked.

Sasha looked at her and laughed.

"We're getting there." Sasha joked.

"Can I ask you something?" Alexa asked.

"Sure." Sasha said.

"Why did you hate me so much when I first got here?" Alexa asked her.

Sasha froze for a moment and thought to herself.

"I mean I know that no one wanted me here but sometimes it felt like you actually went out of your way to be mean to me." Alexa said.

"To be honest.. I was jealous." Sasha said.

"Of me? Why would you be jealous of me? I mean you're Sasha Banks.." Alexa said.

"Because you had something I never did." Sasha said.

"And what's that?" Alexa asked.

"My father's love." Sasha said with a crack in her voice.

Alexa looked over at Sasha with sympathy.

"Sasha.." Alexa said.

"I mean I know after everything he has done to me I shouldn't want him to care about me but I do.. that's all I ever wanted. To be loved." Sasha said as a tear fell down her face.

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