Chapter 3 - First Day Back Part 2

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T/W - talks about Suicide, self harm, and haters.

Romans POV
I wake up in patting room. Patton was still a sleep. I look at the time. 6:38am. Ugh I know if I go back to sleep I won't wake up for school. I get up out of my bed and go to my closet. I grab the shirt Thomas got me that says I am the prince. I grab one of Patton's Light blue jackets and put that on too. I put on some black jeans and my red vans. I put on the other half of the necklace Patton bought me for Christmas. I finish everything and I go down stairs. No one was up which I was fine with. I decide I wanted to make breakfast for everyone. I make Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs, and Toast. When I finish everyone was already up and Remy got us all Starbucks. Patton comes up to me and kisses me. I blush. I love him so much.

Patton's POV
I wake up to my alarm going off. 7:00am. I roll of to an empty bed. I take a deep breath in and I smell bacon. Roman is probably cooking. I get up and but on the light blue hoodie Roman got me for Christmas with a crown on the back. I put on some gray jeans and the other half of the necklace I got Roman. I finish everything else and I go down stairs. Roman was in the shirt Remy got him and my jacket. He looked so adorable. I decide to go up to him and kiss him. Then Remy walks in the door with Star Bucks. We all talk and finish our food. I look at the time 7:36 we needed to get to school.

"We should get going.' I say to Roman.

We get up and get our school stuff and leave. Virgil and Logan were inside waiting on us. Logan had Blue tips and a purple streaks in his hair. Virgil had his hair a darker Purple and a streak of Blue in his hair.

"Awww your hair is so adorable!" I say as we talk up. I look down and they were wearing each others hoodies. "OMG you guys are a cute couple." I squeal

"Thanks." Virgil says while smiling.

"I love the hair Logan." Roman says

"Thanks. Virgil did it. I did Virgil's." Logan says

"Awww." Roman and I say at the same time.

Before I knew it, it was after school.

"Hey does everyone wanna come over?" I ask

"Virgil and I are busy sorry." Logan says.

"Okay. See you guys later." I say. Roman and I go back home. "Let's get some Chinese." I say

"Okay I will call it in." Roman says. He pulls out his phone and orders Chinese. Then he hangs up. "let's watch a movie while we eat our Chinese."

"Okay. Um, Snow White?" I ask

"Sure that sounds amazing."

The food gets hear and we cuddle up on the couch and watch the movie and eat our food which was amazing.

Virgil's POV
It is after school and I drive Logan to his house. We get out and go inside. "Hey Mom." I say

"Virgil I am supposed to say it first." Logan says while joking.

"I know you still love me." I say

"Yeah I do." Logan says

"Hi boys." Logan's mom says

"Hi mom." Logan says

"We are here to spend the rest of the day with you before you leave." I say

"Aww so sweet. While you guys were are school I packed everything so all I have to do it load it." She says

"Well then let's get some dinner." Logan says. I could tell he didn't want her to leave.

"Okay. A new buffet opened in town. Let's go there." Logan's mom says

"Great." I say

"Sounds amazing." Logan says.

We drive to the buffet and get our food. The food was amazing and we had a great time. When we got done we drove back to Logan's.

"Hey Virge. I am going to stay here tonight." Logan says.

"Oh okay. I understand that." I say.

"Well boys it was fun hanging out with you." She says

"Yeah it was. I better get going I have homework to do. Bye Mom." I say as I hug her. I walk out of the door after the hug and I realize I was crying. It reminded me to much of my moms death. I drove myself home and when to my room. I take out my homework and get everything done. I look at the time 11:25pm all ready. Wow. I go to my living room and make sure everything was done that needed to be done. I go back to my room and fall asleep.

Logan and I are going to London to visit Logan's Mom. Roman and Patton were with us. Everything was amazing the sun was shining, the sky was blue, and speaking of the sky we were falling out of the sky. Some how we were falling and about to crash. I hug Logan. "I love you Logan." I say. He doesn't say anything back. He just hugs me. Then we hit the ground everything when black. Then i opened my eyes. I look around. The plane was screwed up. I look around for Logan Patton and Roman. I find them but they were all dead. I start to cry. Then I feel someone put there hand on my shoulder.

"You should have been the one to die." Some one says

"You should hate yourself. Everyone is dead expect you of all people." Another says

"How can you live with yourself?" Another asks

Then someone in a black coat comes up to me. He hands me a knife. "This will end everything. You should kill yourself" They say then they walk away.

"Kill yourself."



"It should have been you."

I start to cut my wrists. It doesn't make it better.

"Here." The guy says again as he gives me a gun.

I point the gun to my head. Then I feel someone grab my arm. It was Logan.

"If you do this, everything will be better. You will see your mom, your dad, and us." Logan says

"There. You go." Another says.

Then someone comes to me. His voice was louder than everyone else's. "I killed myself because of you, you homosexual. Kill yourself you homosexual." He says. I realize it was my father.

I pull the trigger and I shoot the gun.

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