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"KACCHAN!" IZUKU LEPT onto his friend, his voice squeaky and innocent, and his eyes bright with admiration.

The two toddlers landed on the grass from the impact. Bakugou huffed in annoyance.

"Izuku, you're heavy. And you got my clothes dirty," he muttered, but made no effort to move the boy from him.

Midoriya leaned back to look at his friend's face. He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, Kacchan."

Inko and Mitsuki chuckled at the interaction. They were all at the park, due to the mothers wanting to discuss business. Inko suggested a play date, since she was all too aware of her son's attachment to her best friend's.

"Well," Mitsuki turned to Inko, her face taking on a more serious expression. "Let's get down to business."

Inko sighed. "O-okay. You see, I want my son to be happy. I want to ensure his safety and future."

Mitsuki cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah."

"You know he's been presented as an omega right?"

Inko turned her head to observe the boys. Currently, Bakugou was  struggling to push Izuku on the kiddies swing.

"I've been meaning to tell you, but Izuku is probably going to be alone for the rest of his life." Her voice cracked, and Mitsuki's eyes widened.


"He'll probably never find a mate," Inko sighed. "We went to the doctor last week. Usually kids his age begin to form their scents. It's complicated, but Izuku doesn't produce anything."

"The doctor said that there are physical indicators that suggest a healthy alpha, beta, or omega." She pointed to her neck. "The neck should have a thicker layer of muscles, with the scent glands embedded into both sides. But, Izuku can't be marked. His growth spurt is slow to nonexistent, and if he manages to get marked, it fades away in weeks maybe, or days."

Mitsuki frowned deeply, and sympathy for her friend flooded through her.

"That's horrible, Koko." Her blood red eyes narrowed at her friend's facial expression. She knew that look all too well.

"Koko. What do you intend to do?"

"I know I'm asking for a lot, but," Inko held Mitsuki's hands in a tight grasp, her eyes pleading and her voice determined.

"I want to ensure his happiness and future."

Mitsuki faltered. Where was she going with this?

Inko stared directly into the blonde's eyes.

"I want him to be engaged. Specifically, to your son."


Hiiii. This is my first shot at a mha book and my first omegaverse book so please spare me lol. This version of the omegaverse is gonna be kinda different because of that. Anyway uhhh pls stick around it'll get better I promise.

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