"You don't have to thank me. Just don't be a stranger, okay?" Abby smiled, giving Kristine a playful shove. If they kept talking this way, they'd both be in tears. And neither woman wanted to spend the night crying.

They sat together a while longer before getting into bed. Kristine was scheduled to leave at 6 am. She'd rented a car, with the help of Joan of course and Elena was to drop her off at the rental place in the morning. Everything felt so bittersweet.

Kristine wiped a few stray tears from her eyes as she slung a small duffel bag over her shoulder. Goodbyes were the worst. She would forever have Abby's watery smile engrained in her brain. She tossed her bag in the car and stared quietly out the window as Elena drove her to the local car rental place.

After a more comforting hug than she would have thought Elena was capable of, Kristine was behind the wheel of her rented Toyota Camry. She found the drive to be almost meditative as she followed the GPS map across state lines. Butterflies blossomed in her stomach as she grew closer and closer to Danielle's home. She wondered how the reunion would go. Would the woman be happy to see her? Would she still be willing to open her home to Kristine?

The tires of the car crunched as the road turned from paved asphalt to hard pressed dirt. Kristine took a deep breath and loudly blew it out as she started up the long drive that belonged to Danielle.


Danielle's arms ached and sweat poured down her back. She'd spent the morning splitting wood, preparing for winter which was quickly approaching. She could easily have ordered split wood and had in neatly delivered to her house, but she liked the manual labor. There was a sense of satisfaction to being able to do it herself. She put her tools in the shed and began stacking her split logs. Once she was satisfied, she wiped sweat from her brow and began walking back to the house.

The sound of an approaching vehicle had her squinting against the sun to watch the car pull in. She didn't often have guests and never ones who were unannounced. The sight of someone in her drive had her feeling uneasy. She warily watched from her spot by the front door and could hear Duke beginning to bark. As the figure stepped out of the car she gasped and her eyes popped open.


"W-what are you doing here?" Danielle asked, as a million emotions crossed her mind. Shock, confusion, excitement, worry.

Kristine smiled and shrugged her shoulders. She was so anxious and couldn't quite read Danielle's expression. "Hi" She said meekly.

"Hi." Danielle smiled.

"Is it okay that I came?" Kristine asked nervously, shuffling her feet. She hadn't moved away from the car and the women awkwardly spoke from a dozen feet away from each other.

"Yes, of course." Danielle said.

Kristine finally shut the car door and walked closer. She had hoped the woman would be happy to see her, but honestly at the moment she wasn't so sure. This was all feeling very awkward and now she second guessed her decision to come.

"What are you doing here?" Danielle asked again.

"I left the church. And I had no where to go. You told me I was welcome back anytime...is that still true?" She asked shyly.

"Kristine, I would love nothing more than to have you here." Danielle grinned. Kristine sighed in relief and grinned back. She closed the distance between them holding her arms out, only to be stopped by Danielle holding out her hand, causing her to frown and bite her lip.

"I don't think you want to hug me. I'm really gross right now." Danielle chuckled, blushing slightly.

Kristine laughed and threw her arms around the sweaty woman. "Oh I don't care about that!"

"It's so good to see you." Danielle whispered hugging her back briefly not wanting to coat the poor woman in her sweat. "Come inside, I'm sure Duke will be thrilled too."

They walked into the house and Kristine dropped to her knees to greet Duke. She hadn't realized how fond of the dog she was until his tongue ran across her cheek and she laughed. "Oh it's so good to see you again!" She chuckled, wiping away the saliva and standing back up.

"So you're no longer a nun?" Danielle asked, leaning against the wall.

Kristine grinned and shook her head. "Nope!"

"Wow. So what's next for you?"

"Well, I was hoping that maybe I could stay here with you while I figure it all out?" Kristine said shyly, biting her lip.

"I'd be happy to have you." Danielle replied. Not a day went by after Kristine left that Danielle didn't think of the woman. Seeing her again now rekindled all the confusing thoughts and emotions she had for the woman. She wasn't sure where they stood or what Kristine's return meant, but she was thrilled nonetheless.

"Thank you!" Kristine chirped and threw her arms around Danielle once more, kissing her cheek.

"Oh God, I need to shower." Danielle laughed pulling away from the hug.

"I wasn't going to say anything, but you do stink." Kristine giggled, crinkling her nose.

"Wellll on that note...make yourself at home. I'll be quick" Danielle blushed.

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