(New) Chapter 7: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Start from the beginning

         Much like Lucia had done during the night, (Y/N) observed his surroundings, making his own evaluations of the place. Soon, the teen noticed the uniform provided by the academy, which the soldier considered to be something strange, considering that he never gave his dimensions. Shrugging, he went to the bathroom to get changed. Upon executing the task at hand, the young soldier found the uniform to be a perfect fit. Turning back to his neatly folded military uniform and the helmet sitting on it, (Y/N) picked the items up and went to his locker.

         As he wandered through the halls, he made a mental map, taking note of each classroom and other facilities. When he reached the locker room, the soldier went to locker 76, where he gently placed the items inside and shut the door. With his scroll, a phone-like device that the school had gifted, (Y/N) checked the time and was pleasantly surprised that the walk from his shared room to the locker room had taken a good two minutes.

        "Still have time to exercise and study..." (Y/N) said himself, "better get going, then."

       When the teen reached the room, he wasted no time in cracking open his notebook that contained the crash-course notes that he took on the night he'd been accepted into Beacon. He refreshed his memory, and at 7:15, lay down on the floor and began doing thirty minutes worth of sit-ups. At 7:45, the Canadian then rolled over onto his stomach and began doing push-ups, doing ten minutes with both arms, then ten minutes alternating between his right and left arms, then a final ten minutes doing push-ups then clapping.

        Finishing at 8:15, (Y/N) stood up, slight trickles of sweat sliding down his neck. Looking at his scroll one more time, the soldier decided that he should wake up his Faunus companion.

        "Lucia," he called out, gently shaking the girl, "gotta get up now. It's our first day and we can't be late."

         The wolf-girl shifted slightly and rolled onto her back, presenting (Y/N) her exposed breasts, the buttons on her shirt having shot off due to the strain.

         Don't fucking look at them, you lecherous fuck! (Y/N) mentally scolded himself as heat rose to both heads.

         "Lucia," (Y/N) said, shaking the girl harder than before while looking away, "for the love of God, wake up!"

          At that point, (Y/N) had great discomfort and gave up on trying to shake the Faunus awake. He waddled away, in the direction of the washroom. Once in, he turned on the faucet to 'cold' and cupped his hands. Then, the teen waddled back, and splashed the water on the girl's face. Realizing quickly that Lucia's breasts remained exposed, (Y/N) scrambled to pull the blankets over her, resisting the urge to touch the mounds of softness.

        When Lucia came to, she saw her male roommate standing in the corner, head hanging low. Sitting up as quietly as she could, the bed suddenly squeaked, causing (Y/N) to visibly flinch. Wondering what (Y/N) flinched at, the wolf-girl suddenly felt a slight chill come across her chest. Looking down, she saw that every single inch of her upper body was exposed.

        Smiling in both embarrassment and mischief, the Faunus walked slowly towards (Y/N), the soldier's body seemingly shrinking at the sounds of her footsteps.

        "So..." Lucia said, bringing an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders, causing him to stand up straight, "you see something you like, big boy? If you're honest, I just might let this slip.~"

        (Y/N) had no idea what to say. He was fucked in more ways than one. It had been taking an extreme amount of willpower to not look, and an even greater amount to not speak and make a fool of himself. But nonetheless, he was presently a hormonal teenager, not his former self, and his resistance was bound to end at one point.

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