Chapter 32: A Nightmare Come True

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Serephina tossed and turned in the bed that her husband was supposed to return to, even though he had barely been with her since returning. She knew that everything he was dealing with was far worse than she could ever understand, but her heart ached at how much she missed having his comforting body warmth beside hers each night. It ached even more at the thought that she could have never felt that warmth again because of Kaden. Serephina felt an anger building in her as she thought of everything Kaden had attempted to take away from her, including her life and that of Varick's. Unable to deal with her anger any more, Serephina put on a robe over her gown and made her way to Kaden's cell. When she reached the cell Kaden was slowly pacing back and forth like a defeated cage animal.

"Kaden." Serephina sternly stated.

"Well, this is a surprise, your highness." Kaden mockingly replied though he was immensely surprised Serephina was let anywhere near him, let alone at this time of night.

"Really? After everything you have done to me you are surprised I would come visit you?" Inquired Serephina, arms crossed in front of her torso as though a protective emotional barrier between her and whatever Kaden could say or do to her.

"I am not so much surprise you wanted to see me, I am simply surprised Varick let you," Kaden remarked.

"He has no idea I am here," Serephina replied, wanting this conversation to stay between the two of them without Varick's involvement. She wanted to be able to stand on her own against Kaden.

"You should really get back to him, he would not be happy to find out you are here," Kaden suggested, standing across from Serephina so that only the cell bars divided them.

"Not until you apologize to me for almost killing me," Serephina stated.

"I have nothing to apologize for..."

"You would think after saving your family multiple times, feeding you and keeping you all safe at your request, delivering your daughter and making your brother happy would be enough to be treated like a decent person... a person who you have almost killed multiple times, I think that is something an apology is required for."

"You know who should be apologizing to you? You know who is the real person who betrayed your trust?" Kaden asked, using his words like bait on a fishing hook that Serephina had a hard time ignoring. Though Serephina did not respond Kaden could tell he had her attention. When Serephina continued to not respond Kaden continued "Since I can tell you are dying to know your husband is the one who has betrayed your trust. Do you know who saved Varick's life during the fight? Did he tell you, did he tell you who died in his place?"

"You murdered a guard!" Serephina spat back, confused as to why Kaden thought Varick needed to apologize to her.

"No, I did not murder a guard. The assassin was about to slam his knife through my dear older brother when suddenly someone from the other side knocked the assassin off of Varick, taking the damage in his place..."

"Yes. A guard." Serephina irritatedly responded.

"No, it was Jackson," Kaden revealed. The color in Serephina's face immediately drained from it.

"You are lying..." Serephina murmured, shaking her head.

"You can ask Lewis, or any of the other witnesses that day. Just wait for the witness reports, while they may condemn me, they will condemn Varick as well. Jackson was sent a letter by your husband to come to take care of you, your loyal and devoted husband basically willed you over to Jackson's care, as Varick was on a suicide mission. That is why he let without saying goodbye to you. Jackson, instead of coming to protect you decided to protect Varick. Jackson died holding your husband's hand. Jackson, your only living friend from home, the one who swore to your father he would protect you, the one who loves you more than his own life died saving your husband's life and your husband did not even tell you, yes you picked quite a winner in my brother."

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