Chapter 27: A Blessing and A Curse

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Leah recovered quickly as after laying together for a while Lewis escorted her to her room where she was able to nap away the awful feeling. When she woke up she made her way across the hall and knocked on Varick and Serephina's door. When the door opened and it was only Serephina Leah breathed a sigh of relief.

"I need to talk to a girl who is not a few months old," Leah said seriously but it made Serephina laugh.

"Come on in, I am not expecting my husband..." Serephina paused liking the sound of saying her husband "back for a few hours."

"Good, I really need to talk to you about something."

"Okay..." Serephina sat down on the bed, Leah sitting on the other end of the bed.

"First you have to swear, as my sister, you will not tell anyone. Even Varick."

"I swear, sister's honor," Serephina held up her right hand as she answered immediately wondering what was so important.

"I am pregnant...the doctor confirmed it" Leah whispered, looking down as she put her hands over her stomach. That was the true reason why she had fainted.

"THAT IS WONDERFUL!" Serephina exclaimed before Leah shushed her.

"Do not be so loud..." Leah frowned, looking ill.

"Why are you so upset about it? You love being a mom..." Serephina tilted her head by the fact that Leah would not be excited about having another little one.

"It could be Kadens..." Leah mumbled

"What do you mean it could be Kaden's?"Serephina kept her gaze content on Leah, hanging on every word.

"It could be Kaden's or it could be Lewis's..." Leah admitted.

"You cheated on Kaden? With Lewis??" Serephina began to put two and two together about why Varick was looking at Lewis weird and why Lewis was looking at Leah as though they were lovers. It is because they were lovers, and Varick knew. Serephina fought to keep her anger with Varick hidden as she knew Leah needed immense support from her.

"I do not love Kaden anymore...I do however love Lewis more than anything..."

"What on earth happened to force you and Kaden apart?"

"It is nothing Serephina." Leah was not going to admit to Serephina at any cost what Kaden did. She did not know that Lewis had already told Varick everything, and so she did not want to risk the wrath of him finding out.

"It is nothing? I know you loved Kaden, so he must have done something unforgivable. What did he do?" Serephina pressed, knowing Leah would never cheat without good reason.

"I do not want to discuss it with you Serephina. It is between Kaden and I"

"Does Lewis know why?" Serephina investigated.

"Yes, Lewis knows why," Leah responded, taking a deep breath in to let out a sigh.

"Are you going to divorce him?" Questioned Serephina, wondering what the next possible course of action could be.

"I cannot without exposing what he has done...I may not love him as I used to but I do not want him to become a stain on the tapestry..." Leah admitted, with a shameful blush.

"Leah, what has he done that would warrant that?" Serephina took Leah's hands in hers, eyes pleading Leah to tell her as she was scared by what Kaden could have done. Leah tore her hands away from Serephina, and turned her head from her.

"I told you to leave it be Serephina! By not telling you I am protecting..."

"You do not need to protect me. I am strong enough to handle it." Assured Serephina, voice pressing Leah to tell her.

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