Chapter 6: A Letter Arrives

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Varick, once again unable to sleep that night, stayed up reviewing notes and writing plans about possible ways to stop the assassins in his journal. Though he was attempting to focus on his work, his thoughts kept bringing him back to the conversation he had with Serephina, the fact that she thought she had nothing to offer someone bothered Varick immensely.

"I am surprised you are up,." Lewis remarked, as he joined his brother on the couch.

"Going over the notes from the debriefing we had before we had to flee for the millionth time hoping I catch something I have missed. Why are you awake?"

"Because you did not come to bed," Lewis joked, causing Varick to give a quiet laugh, "...actually I had a dream about Mary."

"Not a good one I take it,." Varick closed his journal, his brother taking precedence over the assassins, for the time being.

"It was fine until I woke up,." Lewis admitted, tears forming in his eyes.

"I am sorry Lewis..." Varick apologized even though it was nothing that he could have done, and took his brother in for a much-needed hug. While Kaden and Varick never hugged or showed much emotion towards each other ever, Varick and Lewis were more than willing to show some emotion to the other from time to time. Lewis returned the hug then let go and waved his hand as though trying to forget he ever brought up his dream about Mary.

"Enough about me and feeling sorry for myself, what about you?" Lewis elbowed Varick, who lifted a questionative eyebrow.

"What about me?"

"Cupid seems to possibly be favoring you for once." Lewis nonchalantly remarked. Varick scoffed,

"Have you been talking to Leah?"

"What do you mean?" Kyle tilted his head questionatively.

"She was trying to play cupid earlier, as you and Serephina were comparing book notes, I remarked you both would make a good looking couple, Leah had none of that... hold on, are you blushing?" Varick stopped as his brother turned beat red.

"I do not care for Serephina like that, although I do think the world of her, she is not Mary." Lewis remarked, as though the simple insinuation was enough to be considered cheating.

"I did not mean to suggest..." Varick was shocked by his youngest brother's reaction, as Lewis was not normally one to overreact. Mary had passed away a few years ago, and so it was not viewed as sinful for Lewis to move on, but apparently, he thought so.

"It is okay, I know you were not suggesting that, you were just making an observation that caught me off guard." Though Lewis seemed to be okay, his face was seemingly getting redder. "What I meant by cupid favoring you is your connection with Serephina."

"You must have talked to Leah..." Varick rolled his eyes, really hating playing games like the ones Leah tries to play all the time. "I know she means well, but it seems like she tries to connect me with any woman who talks to me!"

"I swear I have not said a word to Leah about you and Serephina except that we both noted she makes you smile...for the first time in years."

"It is hard not to smile at such a kind person, she makes you laugh, she makes Leah less stressed out and I firmly believe if she tried hard enough she could crack Kaden too." Varick seriously remarked, as though he had been reflecting about it deeply.

"I assure you Leah and I have not talked. I have my own eyes and made my own observations in which I was certain there was more going on between you two. You are always together...happy in each others company," Lewis began, only to be stopped by Varick.

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