Chapter 34: A Royal Judgement

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There was a specific way everyone had to stand and wait for the king to arrive. The first to meet him would be Varick, followed by Serephina, then Leah and Amber, Lewis, Theo, the next lead knight, the lead solder, the lead advisor, a line of all the knights, the soldiers, important guests, then servants and maids. Everyone, including Varick and Serephina would bow or curtsy and then kneel. Once the King nodded to them they could rise and follow after him to resume whatever work they were doing.

As Varick stood looking down the path towards where his father's carriage would arriving shortly he could not help but wish it was under better circumstances. Varick had wished he and both of his brothers would return after defeating the assassins to his father victorious. Varick had no intention of ruling the kingdom without his brothers at his side, but Kaden taking matters into his own hands forced him to lose what he wanted the most. Varick was also anxious regarding his father meeting Serephina, who the King knew nothing of.

The King arrived with a somewhat small group of servants and guards. When he stepped out of the carriage it was as though an older version of Varick was stepping out. Serephina unconsciously leaned into Varick, suddenly nervous as her Father in Law inspired awe in the way he presented himself. Anyone could tell he was King. As his father approached Varick bowed, and took a knee. Serephina quickly followed after, curtsying as elegantly as any princess, then carefully kneeling down. The King paused in front of her, looking at his son with curiosity before nodding to them both and continuing to make his way down the line. Varick quickly stood up, helping Serephina up so that they could follow just behind his father.

When they followed him to the meeting room Varick kissed Serephina goodbye, as only the two brothers and their father were going to meet. Varick unconsciously watched Serephina walk away. Unbeknownst to Varick, his father watched him as he waited until Serephina was out of sight to enter the room.

"I never in a million years would have imagined reconvening with my eldest son as a wedded man. Pray tell, who is the beautiful and glowing woman?" The King asked his son, emphasizing the glowing. The King had seen before the way his son acted around a pregnant wife, and Varick's mannerisms assisting Serephina told the King that she was most certainly with child.

"Her name is Serephina," Varick responded, his cheeks flushing slightly though no one could tell through his beard.

"That is an unusual name. I only have heard of it once before... a prominent farmer's daughter."

"Mr. Lucillian?" Varick asked.

"Why did you know..." The King inquired.

"That is her father." Varick shortly responded, glancing at Lewis as though he might be able to help him, but Lewis just frowned unsure how to assist.

"You not only got married without my permission, without a royal ceremony, with no announcement but you also married a commoner?" The King let out a hefty sigh, rubbing his temple.

"It is not illegal to do so... she is kind and more than qualified to be queen one day. She ran her entire family's farm all on her own." Varick began to justify before his father put up a hand signaling him to stop talking.

"I am not doubting your choice. If you are willing to marry her than I am sure you had a good reason. I swore you would never marry of your own will again. I simply wish I would have been informed of your actions, I do not appreciate being blindsided by two of my sons at the same time." The King answered. Lewis felt a lump in his throat, knowing his father had no idea he was involved with Leah, and that her child could be his.

"I am sorry father, I was trying to protect her and the assassins were watching our every move otherwise I would have written to you about her immediately. I made sure to get the family's approval first" Varick assured.

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