Chapter 33: A Surprising Last Attempt

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"Do we not have enough evidence without having to interview them?" Lewis questioned Theo, Varick nodding alongside him. They looked over at the huge stack of witness reports they had compiled throughout the past few days on anything and everything Kaden had been charged for.

"Forgive me, but aside from Jackson and you, your majesty," Theo nodded toward Varick "they are the ones who suffered the most because of Kaden's actions."

"Between Lewis and I, and the other witness reports there should be a solid enough of a case that they were both harmed by him without needing to upset them," Varick noted.

"They are both strong women, I think they could handle telling their story. It always means the most coming straight from the victim, even if it hurts. It would also help Princess Leah because as far as some of the witnesses are concerned she could have conspired with him." Theo pointed back. The two brothers exchanged a long glance with each other before Lewis finally piped up,

"But they are both in a fragile condition..."

"I know," Theo responded with a nervous swallow. As much as Theo did not want to encourage an action that may result in one or both of his princes losing another child, he also knew that the statements of the women would hold a great impact on the judgment. Both of the Lyon men were silent for a while before Lewis once again spoke,

"They were both strong enough to confront Kaden in person... perhaps they would be fine relaying their story to Theo."

"If they cannot handle it then they can stop the session," Theo assured. The brothers nodded their approval and went to get Leah and Serephina to see if they would be willing to do so. Unsurprisingly, both women agreed, and the men escorted them back to Theo. When they arrived Theo was in an intense discussion with two guards. Upon seeing Varick, Theo took him to the side and whispered something in his ear causing him to stiffen.

"Okay. I will go take care of it, thank you, Theo." Varick turned and walked down the hallway without saying goodbye to Serephina.

"What is going on?" Serephina inquired, looking worried. Leah stood beside her holding Lewis's hand, her eyes inquiring into the situation as well. Varick always acknowledged Serephina when he had to leave.

"A commoner has requested visitation with your husband, should not take too long," Theo responded, with a brief smile, before gesturing for the three of them to join him to discuss their witness reports.

While he knew both women were in safe hands, Varick made his way to the throne room.  He took a deep breath before entering and let it out praying for the strength of which he had little left to muster. When he entered the room he found a beautiful woman, only a few years younger than him. She had long waist-length black hair, with pale turquoise eyes. She was dressed in her finest dress, a pastel pink one with ruffles and lace. The dress had been bought for her by Prince Varick Lyon himself, as a birthday gift. He recognized it immediately, and his stomach sank like a rock.

"What are you doing here?" Varick questioned, his voice icy.

"To tell you that you are making a grave mistake marrying a farm girl." The woman replied.

"I should have known you would stoop to keeping an eye on me." Varick coldly replied, warm brown eyes seemingly blazing with simmering anger.

"I have an informant who likes to touch base if that is what you are insinuating." The woman kept her shoulders high, her posture was as regal as possible.

"You braved being sentenced to exile or worse simply to tell me I am making a mistake?" Varick raised an eyebrow, taking note as to where all his guards were positioned.

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