Chapter 23: A Fractured Family

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When Lewis carefully opened his door the next morning he was grateful to see Varick as he felt like he was about to explode.

"Varick! I need to talk to you." Lewis exclaimed, beckoning for his brother to join him in his room.

"Now?" Varick questioned, obviously disappointed as he was going to check in on Serephina.

"Please, I need you." Lewis pleaded. Varick sighed but relented and followed Lewis into his room.

"Are you feeling better? We were worried when you did not come to the meeting last night."

"I lied when I told the guard I was sick, I was not sick." Wanting to waste no time Lewis wanted to admit the truth as soon as possible.

"You lied to the guard? Why, where were you?" Varick's voice mimicked his father's fear-inducing voice.

"Before I tell you, you should sit down." Lewis gestured to his bed, but Varick shook his head refusing.

"Why would I need to sit down?" Varick's voice was stern, as he watched his youngest brother with a perplexed gaze.

"Trust me, you are going to need to sit down." Lewis's eyes begged his brother to take a seat, but the suggestion was ignored.

" are worrying me. What is going on?" Trying to comprehend Lewis's peculiar behavior Varick stayed standing as though it could help him defend himself from what was coming.

"I slept with Leah." Lewis blurted out.

" what?" Varick gaped at him, thinking his ears had deceived him.

"I slept with Leah..." Lewis repeated.

"Like you two..."

"Made love," Lewis finished for Varick "yes."" Varick stammered out, leaning back against the wall where Lewis had leaned against the night before as he watched Leah dress.

"It just sort of happened..." Blushed Lewis.

"Kaden is going to kill you! Both of you!" Varick's stomach sank realizing the gravity of the situation. Kaden was a loose cannon. "How could Leah do that to him?"

"She wants to divorce Kaden," Lewis stated as calmly as he could, dropping yet another bombshell on his brother.

"What on earth did he do to make Leah want to divorce him?"

"She loves me." Lewis bluntly replied.

"No offense brother, but she would never betray her wedding vows simply because she is in love with you."

"We are soulmates. Varick, I have loved her for so long... we just never figured out how much we loved each other until now..."

"Are you out of your minds?" Scoffed Varick, "One night together and you are soulmates? She is your brother's wife!"

"She does not love him the way she loves me. She will need you to grant the divorce, father never will. Please tell me you will do so."

"Lewis... I have to have more evidence than the fact you claim Leah loves you to make that decision. Are you positive you did not have a fever and dream this?"

"Go ask Leah. She will confirm it!"

"To be honest, I am afraid to. I just find it unfathomable, you two have only ever been cordial with each other." Varick commented, still trying to come to terms with the possibility the people in his family he respected the most had committed one of the greatest offenses.

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