Chapter 11: A Promise Kept

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Varick picked up a lantern, and went after Serephina, his heart beating out of his chest. Once outside he called out to her but heard no reply. Clouds covered the moon, so the only light was that of his lantern. He walked to the barn, but this time he did not find her. When he neared the river he heard sobbing. He let out a sigh of relief and made his way toward a figure sitting near the river bank.

"I should have known this is where you would be." He remarked, sitting down beside her. He knew now that he was outnumbered, and that meant a compromise. "I will come back to get you. I want to make sure Leah is safely to the hideout as soon as possible. Once things are under control I will return to get you." Varick tried to sell his compromise, even though he had no idea how it would work. A prince, soon to be king, chasing after a farm girl he had no claim to seemed to have the inevitable ending of not happening.

"How do I know that you are not tricking me into staying?" Serephina worriedly questioned. Varick leaned in and kissed her, before bringing her into his arms.

"You will have to trust me, I swear on the lives of my brothers that I will return as soon as I can for you. " Varick gave a gentle smile as he attempted to assure her of his intentions.

"I will wait expectantly," Serephina responded, clinging to Varick. When they re-entered the house they found that Lewis had gone back to bed and that there was still a few hours before sunrise.

"You should get some sleep. You have a long day tomorrow," Serephina suggested.

"I run on little sleep all the time. I will be alright," Varick responded, knowing that if he slept he would have to leave sooner than he wanted to. Though she tried not to Serephina yawned, showing how truly tired she was.

"You are the one who needs sleep it seems." Varick gave a soft smile, inviting Serephina to walk up the stairs first. He followed right behind her, until reaching her doorway. Serephina laid down, but kept her eyes on Varick. "Can I stay with you?" Varick impulsively asked Serephina, closing the door behind him.

"You want to stay with me tonight?" Serephina did not want him to leave, but she was surprised he was willing to stay. Especially given the fact that he would have to say goodbye the next day, and that she had professed her love multiple times and he had yet to even say he liked her.

"Please, let me stay beside you tonight." Varick struggled to stop himself from sounding as though he was pleading. The real reason he wanted to stay with her was that part of him was paranoid the assassins could strike any moment, and that they already knew Serephina was his weakness. Serephina could only nod in response to Varick, moving to allow room for him on the bed. Varick took off his shoes before laying beside her. She curled up to him, resting her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. He closed his eyes trying to cherish the moment that in only a few hours would be gone. Neither one could bring themselves to say anything until they drifted off to sleep.

Varick woke up first, and looked down to see Serephina with her head on his chest still, and her arm draped over him. The sun was just beginning to rise, and Varick felt his stomach turn. He was going to have to leave her soon. Despite how badly he wanted to just leave without saying goodbye to Serephina, he knew that would be unfair to her. She had boldly confessed her loved to him, and it would be a horrid move to abandon her without at least saying goodbye. Varick knew that it was a stereotypical prince move and that no one, aside from Lewis and Leah would blame him for walking away and leaving Serephina behind. Except he was not leaving her behind because he was ashamed of her, or because he just wanted to take advantage of her, he truly wanted to protect her. After wrestling with himself for a while, Varick finally brought himself to kiss her, waking her up in the process. Her eyelids slowly drifted open after his lips parted from hers.

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