|Chapter 15|

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Authors Note: Plot course been changed to play into a storyline for book 2 so some chapters have been deleted due to playing into the next big plot. This is the final chapter and the next one will be an epilogue. Enjoy!

Chapter 15: A Bitch Named Betrayal.


"Spark you need to get down there now and get any information that can help us. Ill be at my house. Call the burner phone."

"Ans where is Little James going to go. My wife is out of town." He responded to me as I stared down at my baby boy and exhaled, "Ill take em with me." I had no intentions of bringing him to the mansion Franchesca is smart as fuck. However, I can just drop him at friend of minds, Probably Passion to make sure Franchesca is in the dark. I do need to leave like now so I can get to this family meeting.
Spark ran over and grabbed his tote bag and handed it to me.

"Let me prepare a few bottles. This is bad James." He told me as I responded, "No shit. I have to make sure everything is in tip top shape for my family businesses."

Moments later, I popped the carseat in and hopped in the driver seat. I drove down the road headed towards Passion. I quickly shot her a txt that I was on the way. I came up to a red light and looked back at him in the car seat. I cant believe I wanted Spark daughter to get an abortion. We met on some friendly shit. She was a hostess at the Casino and that turned into light flirting which resulted in a baby. Finding out her Father was a Director at the FBI was scary but came in handy. Especially after she died during child birth. Thats grew our bond. I dialed Senior number and he picked up.

"Are you there?" I asked him.

"Arriving soon. Do you think this will work?" Senior asked.

"Stay in position. We may need this plan to work if I dont call back within 2 hours blow that motherfucker to pieces." I told him as he sat outside Miami Police Department....he went to see our Arab friends in Lauderdale and they been rigging the building since earlier today. However, Spark is on his way there so he need to wait out for a second. We need to know exactly what information that can actually prove. I hung up the phone as the window busted on my left and I went for my gun and swiftly let off two shots into the man chest as I came to the other three window was bust as I heard Little James crying. A smoke bomb wad tossed into the car I opened the door and fell on the floor coughing with no stopping in sight.

"This for Brio." I heard a cuban accent and just as he was about to pull the trigger another one came out and whispered in his ear.

"That sounds better. Tie his fuck as up and get him in the trunk." The one said as I felt woozy. The Havana Boys was already on for revenge against us now. Our enemies are stacking up at this point.


"Okay its been a damn hour where the fuck is he?" Tasha snapped as she paced around the living room. Kenton came flying from upstairs and snapped, "Yo Franny have you  seen Mia and the girls they arent upstairs." Franchesca stood up from the couch with a coffee mug and lied, "No. And what you mean they arent upstairs?" She knew they was halfway to Tampa right now.

"Okay we cant wait on James to make a move. Like I was saying we have leverage. We have Cassie's son-daughter whatever he goes by. She may have sounded like she doesnt care but if we make a deal to end this war and she gets her daughter back she will like that alot." Scotty-B offered his advice as Tasha argued, "And we are to think after all she did to get to this point she will just stop coming for our family."

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