|Chapter 05|

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Chapter 5: Its A Party.

"Kiro, bring out a Bottle Of Jack. This is Stefan nor D.C. He is his mothers child, he likes the finer things." James told Kiro as Kiro smirked and stated, "How many Glasses?"

"He is 18 tomorrow so 3. His brother should be arriving any-" The private room door inside the gun range and bar opened and in walked Stefan. He tossed his coat on the empty chair and sat down.

"Sorry I am late. We had a liquor shipment arrive at the bar and a staff meeting." Stefan explained. Kiro walked off to retrieve the bottle and glasses and James said, "So are you ready for tomorrow, Wells?"

"Still havent decided if I am riding in my new rangerover you got me  yesterday or my new Benz Uncle Kenton surprised me with this morning so no I am not ready."

James and Stefan laughed.

"How many people will be on this Yacht?" Stefan asked.

"The capacity was 3500 mom said...so I kind of invited my entire graduating class, she invited some friends of the family, I extended yall to invite people and now the list is close to 3200 right now. And the crew says its 125 dollars a plate-" Wells slid that in their as James shot him a look of you and your mother failed to mention that.

"Dad you only turn 18 once calm down and besides I have a special person coming for you too." Wells told him as James lifted his eyebrow. Kiro returned with the Jack and the three glasses as his brother Jace comes in rolling the first case of HandGuns. Its a Colby Men tradition that at age 18 they get their first official gun and Wells its about time he get inducted into the family business. And this is the first step.

"Jace, he is picky like our mom so you may wanna have the other cases ready to show." Stefan said as Wells said, "Nigga, shut up..but holy fuck this is nice." He picked up the 9 mm and quickly grabbed a clip and snapped it in. James and Stefan was shocked that he knew what to do. He cocked it back and stared back at them.

"Uncle Kenton may have taught me that a few years ago" Wells sais as he walked up to their own personal gun range within the room and grabbed the headphones and placed it on his head. He picked the gun back up and started firing off.

Tasha laughed, "Girls you have to row. You cant just sit in this boat and be pretty. These old arms get tired." She stared down at Lizz and Erica as they sat on the other edge of the boat in their dresses and hats like "we are princesses we arent rowing shit." Tasha rowed around the large pond in their backyard.

"Your grandfather built this pond for me back when we first got the house in 1983. I just love being near water so having my own pond was amazing." Tasha told them as they said, "Look its Daddy and Mommy." Tasha turned her head and saw Kenton and Mia waving at them from across the property by the vineyard. The girls slowly stood up and waved back.

"KENTON COME HELP ME PULL THE BOAT IN!" Tasha yelled. In about ten minute he helped his mother out as the girls ran down thru the grass towards their mom.

"They are amazing."

"Right. They keep me on my toes and keep me young. Its different than with D.C."

"Well granted you was still a kid having a kid. So your father and I helped 90% of the time. Now with the girls you are grown and secure. And Mia, is she treating you right?"

"She does her wifely duties."

"Good. As she should. Now later on I need you to take me to Brickell to pick my dress up for Wells Yacht party tomorrow. Are you busy?" She asked him. He grabbed her hand and said, "For you? Never."

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