|Chapter 01|

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Chapter 1: Meet the Colby's.

Present | 2019

"James man, c'mon I-I-Im sorry. I needed that money for my family" Keith pleaded as I stared down at him. Tears and blood rain down his face as he sat on his knees pouring his heart out to me: naked, dazed, and confused. My late father always told my brothers and I, Colby's survive off one thing and its consequences. I cocked the gun back and grabbed the green pillow so the gunshot can be muffled. I pulled the trigger and watched his naked body fall to the hard ground.

I looked left and seen a figure walk out of the darkness. I spotted my butler, Senior.

"Wrap em up and have the boys toss him later. I got a party to get back to." I told him as I grabbed my Tom Ford suit jacket and headed back up the stairs and out into my study. I closed the library shelf back and grabbed my glass of cognac from the marbled desk. My study door opened and I saw my beautiful wife of 20 years standing before me wearing her dazzling Vera Wang dress.

"Ive been looking all around the Mansion for you. I have a few people I want you to meet. They are apart of the The Fine Orange's Of Florida Society and I want in!" She said as she grabbed my hand and lead me back into her charity party we was hosting at the house. Some may say damn what type of man kills a man beneath the Mansion of a Charity party-Ill say a smart one. It gives me the perfect alibi.

"Why do you want to hang around a bunch of old white bitches drinking Mimosa on South Beach?" I whispered to her as we walked down the foyer.

"Because its a 500 thousand dollar buy in and we need an organization to clean all your extra money this month and besides being a housewife is a part to play" She winked at me as she spotted the ladies over by the Grand Piano and put her best face on as she drug me across the room. I pulled my phone out and made sure to txt my brothers Kenton and Scotty-B about Keith being dealt with.

Kenton picked up his phone from the dresser and smirked as he read his brother message about Keith being killed. Keith had really fucked them over.

He stated, "Perfect."

He finished off his Fifth glass of Remy Martin and slammed it on the dresser. He stood shirtless at the side of his bed as he grabbed Mia by her hair and she winced in pain.

"Who the fuck told you to wear that dress today?" He asked her knowing the answer. No one however she wasnt crazy enough to actually say that. The 4 jaw reconstruction surgeries and new teeth was proof of her being defiant and the consequences for it.

"Im sorry. The girls just wanted to see the new waterpark by Aventura Mall. Kenton, Im sorry." She pleaded as he took off his Armani belt and told her to sit up. She came up in her pink lace bra and panties and sat on the edge of the bed. He wrapped the belt around her neck and tightened it and exhaled, "I swear I thought the training was over yet you can never understand. You wanna know approximately how many perverted men stared at my wife's body in that dress you wore. On your fucking knees bitch!" He yanked the belt and she flew to the ground as he demanded, "Now pull these pants down and suck this dick! Class in session."

Meanwhile, Scotty-B txted his brother back.

"Did Senior Handle it?"

"Not Yet. Franny having some Charity event. She also says thanks for the check."

"Tell sis no problem. Anything for the children in Haiti."

Scotty-B hung the phone up as he looked across the street at the house he had been sitting outside of for 3 hours. He checked his Apple Watch and he seen it was coming up on 12 AM. He pulled the letter from the glove compartment and saw his father's handwriting saying: TO MY Youngest.

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