|Chapter 12|

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Chapter 12: The Pre Party. (Part 1)

"He hasnt showed up with the clean up crew YET! Hit me back." Senior snapped into his phone as he hung up and looked over at the dead body he had already wrapped up in a carpet. James wasnt answering the phone and he had to think quick. He had a plan and he had to handle this now. He quickly dragged ghe carpet down the hallway and opened the front door. He looked down at his watch and saw it was almost 4 in the morning. He quickly grabbed her keys off a stack of mail and ran over and popped her trunk. He returned and dragged her body out to the trunk and just as he was about to pick the body up he heard, "Hey" He slowly rose up and turned around and saw an older couple. The lady asked again, "Hey, whats going on? You know Annie Cole?"

"Yes. I am loading up her car up for her she is doing some spring cleaning." He told them.

"At 4 in the morning..." The man asked.

"And look at you outside this late in your old age." Senior told them. He quickly lifted the carpet up and tossed it in. He slammed the trunk and went back to the door and said, "Annie its in. Are you ready to go?" He looked back at them as they walked off. Moments later, he closed and locked the door. He got into the car and pulled off headed towards the Mansion.

James knocked at a door as he pulled his phone out and saw a voicemail on the screen from Senior. He put his phone up as he heard the door unlocking. The door opened towards the person he came to see and she chuckled, "James? Oh my God! I havent seen you in so many years. Why you at my door this late? Are you finally going to give me some of that black dick!"

James laughed, "Passion, how many times I got to tell you this dick" James grabbed his crotch and continued, "for real pussy only." He walked into the crib and Passion retied her robe and replied, "And I have a real one now! Did you forget....all the checks you send me keep me afloat." The two of them walked into the living room and James sat across from Passion. Passion crossed her legs and said, "What you need James?"

James and Passion go wayy back to when James did 8 months in jail for a small drug charge when he was 21. Passion may be a trans but he installed fear like a hard drive to many niggas in jail. She protected James in the inside and James promised when she got out that he will be paid for life. 6 years ago Passion hit him up and got paid many figures and had become a big deal in the LGBT scene in Miami...hella famous on social media and all especially with a cameo on BEYOND SCARED STRAIGHT.

"Passion you are pretty well known in your circle and I have this girl that lives in a nice pent house and seems well off when it comes to money. And it aint no trans bitch in Miami thats popping that you dont know" James told her as she smirked. Passion chuckled, "show me the bitch, daddy." James pulled his phone out and went to Stefan Instagram and handed the phone over to Passion.

"She running around with your finee ass son. Why couldnt I meet this Colby..."

"thats just it I dont think my son knows she was born a male. I just pieced it together myself and this bitch maybe hiding in plain sight." I added as Passion scrolled on the phone and exhaled, "I seen her at Palace a few times. She definitely new to town. I think she goes by Candy. I dont know alot about her and what you mean in plain sight because you have clearly stopped my beauty sleep..this has to be big."

"Hence, Im here. Can you do your little snooping for me? I mean I think Stefan bringing her later tonight for my wifes event at the cove. Ill make sure you on the list, come thru." He told her as she exhaled.

"You know I dont do shit for free Daddy!!" She said as he stood up and pulled 4 wads of cash out and snapped, "Come on babygirl dont play me." He dropped 15K on her coffee table and said, "You get 45 when you tell me why this bitch in Miami."

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