Chpater 8. What just happen Part 2

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Anna Point of View

Wait! Hold up my phone is vibrating it's Jace give me a second. Hey Jace I said as I answer the phone. I just ran into your assistant Brittany, and man she was putting out some weird vibes I said. What do you mean weird Vibes Jace asked. You know if I didn't know any better I would think you cheated on me with her or something I said with a laugh. Suddenly the phone gets very silent and Jace lets out a breath. Jace I asked, are you okay. Anna I need to tell you something. Okay what I asked? Jace didn't say anything. Jace I yelled, I was starting to get worried. What do you want to tell me. Jace began to say, A week ago when I was working late Brittany and I kissed. And I didn't stop her.Baby I am so sorry, I Honestly have no idea what it meant to me. But I wouldn't never want to hurt you. I can't carry this secret around any longer it's hard enough. As Jace is talking I feel my heart drop to the button of my stomach. He kissed his assistant a week ago,  and didn't tell me about it. The man I have loved for years has cheated one me I thought. Without knowing I did I hung up the phone. And I hear it drop to the ground. Eric is asking me am I okay and all I can feel it's my eyes start to full up with tears. What has happen to us, but I didn't ask the question , and I didn't see it coming. Brittany was just here looking me in my face, and making a fool of me because she knew she had kissed Jace.

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