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I..I..just guess it..

I saw all of it irene.

(Shocked) saw..w..what.?

You poured that soap right?(pointed at the soap.)


Whatever.. seokmin please dont be so closed to (Y/n)...

'Jungkook left irene and seokmin.'

(Seokmin pov)

Irene is that true? You poured the soap?

Yah! No of course. What's wrong with you?


'Seokmin left to his office.'

Baby! Baby! Honey!

'But he already left.'

Aish that boy.

'She stepped forward to chased seokmin unfortunately she stepped at the soapy floor and slipped.'

(Irene) back is hurt. Oh (Y/n) you will pay for this.

(End pov) (Y/n POV)

Wonwoo why are you here?

You will know.

'Suddenly Jungkook approached us.'

So what are you guys doing here?

Jungkook want to discuss something.

About what?

Can you stop working here?

Are you crazy? I just started like 2 or 3 days ago and you want me to stop. No way.

But seokmin is here..

So what? I have nothing to do with him. He is just my boss. You are so over protective.

Irene will do something horrible to you cuz I heard you are his temporary secretary.

So what?! Please jungkook once just dont be so protective. Its irritating.

I just dont want you to get hurt again.

And I will not. Jungkook I already move on from him. Beside I am doing my job well now. Please wonwoo tell him I am ok.

I am worried about you too (Y/n) but jungkook I guess she is right.


You can continue to work here if you want. But if something bad happend or they treat you badly...I will not let you go here again..understood?

(Sighed) fine... I agree

Thanks wonwoo,jungkook...

We will go back now. Take care.

'He kissed my forehead and left with wonwoo. Jungkook always behave like that. He is very overprotective since I was a baby. Although sometimes its very irritating but I know its for my own good.'

'I went back to my desk and continued my work.'

(Jungkook POV)

'I was walking toward the exit door when wonwoo stopped me.'

Jungkook, are you ok?

Yes I am. I just worried about (Y/n)..

She will be ok. Dont worry too much.

Fine...hyung excuse me I guess I have to go to the toilet..


'With that I left to the toilet. I was thinking about (Y/n) while I am walking as I looked down. Suddenly I bumped with someone and that some one stuff fall from her/his grip.'


'I helped that person and its a girl.'

Its ok sir. Who are you by the way? Are you new here or you have a meeting here?

Oh pardon. I am Jeon Jungkook, the COO of the jeon company. I just want to meet my sister.

You are jeon jungkook?(Y/n)'s brother?

How do you know?

She is my deskmate. I'm Im Nayeon.

Nice to meet you Nayeon.


Hey,can you do something for me?


(Author pov)

'Suddenly jungkook leaned closer toward nayeon and whispered at her.'

(Whisper) can you take care of (Y/n) for me? And yourself of course?

(Nayeon) I will sir.

Dont call me sir. Just call me jungkook.

'Jungkook stood far away from her a bit and smiled.'

Thanks Nayeon. Here is my card.(hand her a card) call me if something happend.

(Took the card) I will. See you later....jungkook.

'Nayeon bowed slighy and went back to her desk.'

(End pov)(Y/n pov)

'I looked at my watch and its already 5 pm. I looked around but just a few employees were still there. I finished my work for today so I checked seokmin schedule for tomorrow.'

Meeting with the directors at morning, meeting with the FAN company at afternoon at NET hotel. Wait,do I have to go there too? I just ask him.

'I stood up and made my way to his office. I was about to walk towards the door when I heard something that shocked me from the girls toilet. I checked the toilet and I saw one toilet stand were locked. Her voice echoed the whole toilet so I knew who's voice is that. It's Irene's voice.'

You know what she is here? Who you ask? My stupid sister!

(Caller)(I cant hear this person voice but its the conversation)

(Caller) what will you do?

I will make her suffer of course.

Be careful or your husband will know.

Why should I care about him? He is stupid. I just need his money not him.I just want to make (Y/n) suffer when he divorced her so yeah.

So basically they are your toys in this plan.

Yup they are my toys.

Wow you are very bad..

Well I dont care. Its (Y/n)'s fault why I become like this.. ok bye I will end this. See ya.

' After she said that I ran to my desk and face-palmed myself.'

You never love him but why did you take him from me? What did I do to you?

'I dont know why but my tears started to fell. I tried to stop but I cant. I cried silently while I face-palmed myself.'

Are you ok?

My Broken marriageDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora