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I did the same thing as I did yesterday after school: head to the library and spend my afternoon with The Loser Club. It was much more enjoyable than yesterday. I ignored the strange signs from them. The one that caught me off guard the most was when Foster somehow shocked me. I even saw sparks.

"Ouch!" I flung my arm in the air.

"I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me!"

"It's fine," I said. I rubbed my arm. There was a faint mark where the shock happened.

"You sure you're okay?" he asked. I've never seen someone so concerned.

"Paris?" Axel said. I looked up at him. "I have a few bandages that I can use to wrap that."

I nodded. "Yeah. Thank you."

Axel and I both sat up. I followed him out the door towards his locker. His locker was locked a few yards from the library. As we walked out, I could hear whispering from the remaining four.

"Ignore them," Axel said as he held the door open for me. "They're just mad that Foster hurt the new girl."

"New girl? You guys are more new than me," I said. I still held onto my arm.

Axel put in the combination to his locker and opened it up. A first aid kit sat up on the top shelf. He pulled it down and opened it carefully. He grabbed a bandage and held out his hand. "Can I see your arm?"

I let my hand that was holdin onto it drop. I placed my arm in his hand. They felt strong. I didn't want him to let go.

He wrapped my arm gently. I watched him slowly go over the wound. It felt really awkward just standing there as he fixed me up. I noticed him look at me every few seconds.

"Can I ask you a question?" I said, breaking the silence.

"Sure," Axel responded. He tore off the excess bandage.

"Why are you guys keeping secrets from me? I know something is odd about you guys and you won't tell me."

Axel kept his head down this time. He put some medical tape on my bandage to keep it in place. "We're just not used to being open about ourselves," he said. I wanted to believe him, but there was something else he wasn't telling me.

"I just have this weird feeling about the five of you," I said. I put my arm down. "You all keep saying weird stuff and you guys don't even bother to explain."

He shrugged. "What is there to explain. We're weird."

"No. There's something else."

"Fine. There is. But I'm not telling." He looked me straight in the eyes. The way he spoke the last sentence made me shiver. I couldn't tell now if he was lying or not.

I pulled my arm away and put it down by my side. "Thank you," I said.

"Welcome," he said. I turned around on my heels and walked back to the library. Axel caught up to me in a few strides and walked by my side. I wanted to grab his hand. I fought the urge not to.

He held the door open for me. I nodded to show him my appreciation and stepped in. Foster got up from his seat in a flash and made his way towards me.

"I'm so sorry!" he began. "I don't know why that happened! I feel completely sorry!"

"It's fine! No worries." I smiled at him to show I was okay.

I wasn't sure if he was still okay, but he nodded and returned to his seat. Axel and I trailed behind and sat down in our previous seats.

"Well, that was fun!" Lae exclaimed.

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