Chapter 37

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Waddle Dee | ワドルディー

"Oi, Bucky. Hand me that monkey wrench, wouldja? This bolt needs to be tightened a bit further. Jav's prob'ly the one who was in charge of this area. Love the 'bot, 'specially since I'm the one's what first rescued 'im way back when 'n all, but 'e's a bit absent-minded at times."

Shoving my red-ribboned sailor's hat up from where it's constantly falling down into my eyes, I give Axe Knight, a small, two-footed and two-gloved skull with glowing yellow eyes set inside his head, a determined nod and a 'smile' before hurrying over with the monkey wrench out of the toolbox. He gives me a quick pat on the head as he accepts it and turns to start tightening the bolt on the exterior section of the Battleship Halberd that he and I are currently painting. "Atta boy, Bucky. You and Sailor both 'r real go-getters, y'know that?"

I pick my paint roller back up after giving him another 'smile' and continue painting this section of metal plating a deep purple. This ship really is amazingly huge; it's easily as big as, like, at least more than ten of Dedede's throne room, which is already a really big room to begin with. I'm not sure why Sir Meta Knight wants us to build it, especially since it's down here underground where it can't really do much of anything—why build an airship and then keep it underground? It doesn't make any sense to me. I guess it doesn't matter; it does look really, really cool. I can't wait until someday when it does fly—if that ever happens—and that I get to ride it while it soars through the skies. I've always wanted to try being in the sky.

A voice no one else can hear calls for me from down on the ground way below. "Hey, She-Dee! C'mere, I need your help with something."

Setting my paint roller back down in the tray of purple paint, I pat Axe's glove a couple of times. After turning the bolt a couple more times, he turns his attention to me.

After rubbing the back of my head with one paw to express regret, I pat my closed eyes one at a time with one paw, the little sign language signal we've all come up with to express 'Sailor Dee.' Then, I point with both paws over the edge of the ship, communicating that I need to go down there to meet the puff I just described.

Axe closes his eyes in his own approximation of a 'smile' (he doesn't have a mouth either, after all—at least, not really). "Alright, run along then. I'll page Mace 'r one of the others to come 'elp me out up 'ere. See ya later, kiddo."

After giving him a quick salute, I hurry over to one of the many exterior elevator platforms, take it down to a lower level, and then slide down a support chain, down to where Sailor is waiting for me, looking up at me as I descend from under his own blue-ribboned sailor's cap.

He greets me with a fond pat on the head (er, hat) as I skid from a run to a stop at his side. "There you are. I think that might be a new speed record for you getting down the ship."

"I'm getting better at it," I agree proudly, rearranging my hat once again from where it slid down into my eyes. Everyone thought I'd grow into it, but it's been two years and I've grown very little, if any at all. I don't really mind, though. It's still just cool having my own hat to set me apart. There's no other Waddle Dee who looks quite like me, now. Just like how Sailor has his eyes and now his hat to set him apart, too, I'm actually special in a way I wasn't before.

Sailor leans over to where Trident Knight (who is waiting on the gangplank) can see him. He tugs on the ribbon of his hat, points to his side, gestures to where I stand, and then punches the air twice. 'Buccaneer Waddle Dee, right here, all good,' is what the signs literally mean, but put together, they mean something like 'As requested, I've collected Buccaneer Waddle Dee.'

Trident Knight lifts his glove up in an easily-visible thumbs up and calls out to us, "Good. Both of you boys get over here, quick-like."

Beckoning for me to follow him, Sailor goes running towards him. I follow straight behind.

Heroes of Dreamland Rewritten, Book 2: Stars in Far PlacesWhere stories live. Discover now