Chapter 27

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Blossom | ブロッソム

Hugging my gloves to myself as we walk along, I continue to listen to Clover talk about himself, still feeling myself walking on air. "You're a really interesting person to talk to, Clover."

"Thanks," he replies with another easy grin, making my heart skip a beat. "Oh, I haven't even told you about the time Blathach got stepped on by a cow, yet; that was hilarious."

"Yeah?" I ask, but before he can get into the story, I add, "How much farther is it to the place you wanted to show me? I can already hear the river from here; it's loud this time of year."

"We're close, don't worry," he assures me, grabbing my glove in his once more and making me feel myself die inside of happiness all over again. "I won't walk you too much farther; I promise, Bella-Blossom."

I giggle at the nickname all over again. No one's ever really given me a nickname. I know I probably seem like such an airhead at the moment, but I can't help it. I'm really just so happy that every braincell in my head is too busy celebrating to really be coherent. "You're fine, Clover. I don't mind spending the time with you."

"You're a sweet little thing," he answers. I blush and giggle, making him laugh. "And that easy blush of yours is just too cute. How can you have never had a beau before, really?"

I shrug, trying not to falter even though I know exactly why I haven't had one yet. "I don't know."

"Really?" he asks in amusement. I can see the river now, through the pine trees around us. There's a dock near here, but it's probably flooded over already.

I blush harder, shrugging again. "Really."

"You haven't the slightest?" he pries, the same easy grin on his face.

I sort of wish he'd stop this line of teasing; it's making me uncomfortable. "Not at all," I murmur, glancing away.

I start in shock as he suddenly lets go of my glove and grabs my arm instead, his easy grin having suddenly turned into something a lot crueler. "Funny. Because I have a guess or two at exactly why it is."

"Clover?" I ask in surprise, eyes widening slightly in worry. "Are you alright?"

He doesn't answer, just pushes me away a bit with a chuckle, before snatching the flower crown off my head and starting to methodically yank the petals off of the white and yellow daffodils I've made it from. "I think the better question here, Blossom, is how much longer you're going to be alright."

I take a step back from him, starting to feel a bit afraid. "What are you talking about?"

Ignoring me, he starts to chant as he tears petals off, "She loves me; she loves me not. She loves me; she loves me not. She loves me," he finishes as he yanks off the last petal and holds up the ruined flower crown, now all just stamens and stems, and plunks it back down on top of my head. "She loves me, probably because she's desperate for anybody to love her, because deep down she knows she's a disgusting, stunted little Halfling who'll never find love in her entire life. Right, lads?"

My eyes widen in genuine fear as a few other Star Warriors jump down out of some of the trees around us. "Sounds about right, Clover," one of them agrees. I don't remember his name; I just know he argued at a few town hall meetings to have me banned from town for some inane reason to get around the Halfling protection laws.

"Why did you ask me out for a walk if you think I'm disgusting?" I demand, stepping back away from them even though it means moving closer to the river. I'm suddenly really wishing I'd brought my sword with me, even if I did think it ruined my outfit.

Heroes of Dreamland Rewritten, Book 2: Stars in Far PlacesWhere stories live. Discover now