Chapter seven: the corner

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     It was an hour til I have to meet the random person. Was I scared? Yes. I decided that I wanted to bring Renea because she took self defense classes for like 10 years so if something happened she could drop kick them. So I had called her earlier and told her the whole situation. She agreed to come but she doesn't think that Noah would just cheat on me like that none the less with Jessica. But she did say that he chased after me but after a while he came running back and drove in a different direction from my house. She thought that was weird because we both live on the right side of the pizza place. Why did he go left? We don't know. But for any reason we want to be extra careful.
     We get to the spot and look around while staying in the car with the doors locked. We were a little bit early so we waited for a little bit. The clock hit six o'clock. We see a dark figure appear from a corner. They signal for me to get off and go over to where they are.
     "Renea I think that's him or.. her? I don't know but please come with me. I'm scared." Maybe I was scared because I didn't want what they or it told me to be true but I also was scared because they looked sketchy and the location was not okay to me.
     "Okay, stay really close to me and put your phone in your bra so if they take us they won't notice it immediately, we could reach out for help that way." Renea says to me knowing what to do in these situations.
     "I'm scared Renea. Just know that I love you and thank you for being the bestest friend you could have ever been to me. I don't deserve you and thank you for doing this with me." I say hoping nothing bad will happen.
     "You are beyond anything I could imagine in a friend. Thank you for putting up with my awkward stage at first and getting to know me instead of giving up. And thank you for defending up against me when Grace was bullying me. I love you too Nazery"
     We both look at each other signaling to go over to the person. As we were approaching we see that they were dressed in a spindle sweats and a hoodie. They look lost and destroyed. But regardless is this some sick joke that everyone is pulling on me? I don't care. Whatever it is it is not okay. They shouldn't have played with my emotions like this.
     "SUPRISE" I hear the person screaming
     "Is this a joke?" I whisper to Renea.
     "I had no idea about this. I'm so confused and lost." Renea replies.
     "Okay what the heck. This isn't okay anymore" I whisper to Renea before speaking to the person again. "What is this? Is this Noah? If it is... then it's over officially." When I said those words I knew I didn't want to mean them. I don't know what came over me. Maybe I was just so tired of what has been going on. He doesn't text me because he is "busy" who is busy in summer? You can't be busy 24/7 all the time. It takes two seconds out of the day to say "I'm alright, I'll text you when I get the chance" there is so many chances during the day just to shoot me a quick text or call me for a minute. Maybe even thirty seconds. I don't care. Just something to show that you care... am i right?
     "Oh so it's over now?" The person said in a neutral tone. I wasn't sure how to take their reaction. Were they sad? I don't know. I don't even know who this person is for sure. How can I even trust them.
     "C'mon let's go. I don't have time for this." I say to the person and starting to turn around and walk away.
     I was walking and then I felt an hand grab my arm. I was under a lamppost. I saw the persons face. Tears? The eyes are red. It's either they care and they are crying, they've been crying, or they're high. What the heck. I look into their eyes and they're broken. It's like they just got told they're dog died. My heart shattered. It was Noah. We were inches apart.
     "We-we're over?" HE says as a tear rolls off of his cheek. The famous Noah is crying? Crying over me? I never thought I was good enough for him. Maybe I really was and me leaving would really rock his world. But crying? I haven't seen him cry since he lost his cat four months ago. This was insane.
     "Noah your anger issues are too much for me sometimes, you seem like your too good for me, you never take the time out of the day to shoot me a text or a minute long text. I worry and cry over you Noah. You think your heart is broke right now? You break my heart everyday with these selfish acts and needs you have to keep up with. Every second I don't hear from you it feels like I'm loosing you. You have no idea how much you mean to me. How can you act like I mean anything to you even you act like such a douche towards me? HUH NOAH?" By this time I was crying. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I look up and see his face. His face that I love so much. The fave that lights up my day just by looking at it.
     "I loved you Noah. More than you will ever know. You were my everything and everyday you would break my heart just by looking at me. I knew you didn't even realize and that killed me. I'm sorry Noah. I really am but right now I-i." I couldn't talk anymore. I was crying too much. So was he. He was crying just as much as me. He hugs me and we are so emotional.
     "I-i just c-can't right now Noah. I'll talk to you l-later m-Monday. Our place. Midnight." I say as I release rom the hug and go to my car with Renea. I look back at him as I'm driving off and he's just standing there looking at the sky with tears pouring out of his eyes. I'm so sorry.

Life goes on Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ