Chapter one: introduction

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My name is Nazery. I am a 15 year old with loving friends, and a family and I also have a boyfriend. I have two brothers, one is Jessie he's 21, and the other is Jay he's 23. My parents are not divorced, and for the most part I am a happy person all around. Or so it may seem. People think I have the perfect life and that I am the perfect girl but personally that is a bunch of crap. All fake news. Jay, being the oldest sibling graduated high school a while back and moved with his friend in California. Jessie on the other hand was more difficult. He would not listen to my parents, he dropped out of school in tenth grade, he got sent to a military institute at the age of 16 after months and months of running away, getting into fights, and just being so difficult to the point where no one could talk or look at him without him yelling at you. We never understood why he acted this way but I thought and still think that it was my fault.

I was the baby girl, all of the attention was on me at ALL times. After eleven years of his spot light being taken away by me I think he snapped. He had enough. I was so spoiled and was the favorite child because I was the only girl, and i was the youngest. So many more factors go into why I think he snapped but that's for another time. My parents seem to be the happiest couple on the planet and that nothing could ever go wrong in that relationship. Well... once again is so awfully wrong. They have such different personalities and its like every little thing that the other does annoys them to the point to where they could be fighting about spoons. Why would they? I don't know, and I don't think they know but they still argue about it.

On the other hand, I am just here. I am a freshman cheerleader, I am not making any problems, I am not getting in trouble at school, for the most part, I just keep to myself all of the time. Everyone thinks I am so happy all the time and I am. I don't try to hide my family or am embarrassed of our flaws, no one just asks me what's up and why were so "perfect". I don't really mind people saying that I am faking it or that I'm just putting up an act, but I am just living life, not everything has to be perfect but what I have and my situation, I think is as perfect as my life can be. I don't care that people are hating or are jealous, I don't care if people know about my dysfunctional family, I don't care if they try to get into my head or try to make my life horrible. That's they're loss, like really. They could be spending time doing stuff that matters, not just being obsessed with me.

My friends are the best people on the planet. I have a small friend group of four people total. Me, my boyfriend Noah, Kate, and Renea. I would say I'm closer to Renea then Kate, I've known her since I was three but we didn't get close til last year in eighth grade cheer tryouts. We were really awkward at first but we became friends because we were really the only two people there that we liked besides Grace at the time. Grace is my ex best friend. Well me and Renea's ex best friends. But besides that, me and Kate met about six months after me and Renea got close. It was in first period language arts and we did rotating partners or something stupid like that and she was mine and we clicked immediately. She was so much like me and we would laugh and have such a good time. There was no awkward stage between me and Kate. We always have so much fun together, not matter where we are or how serious the subject is. Noah and me met in sixth grade band class. He sat next to me because we played trumpet and we started to talk and we became friends. I switched over to French horn in seventh grade, so I sat in front of Noah. We had got each others snap chats so we were texting and then he admitted that he liked me in eighth grade and in that moment my world flipped around, butterflies filled my stomach because I've had a crush on him since the moment I met him. I would have never thought that him, out of anyone in the would would like me. We have been dating for six months about to go onto seven and I couldn't be happier.

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