"Did you ever believe?" Kristine asked and Danielle sighed. This conversation felt wrong on so many levels. She hated talking religion or politics.

"No not really. I prayed once in my life. God's supposed to help those who ask, right?" Danielle said looking up at the ceiling. "Help those in need, those who are suffering?" She continued. "Well I was a kid and I prayed for help and I was left high and dry" Danielle said with a bitterness in her tone.

"What happened?" Kristine asked softly. The women hadn't even known each other a full week, but she realized in that moment how little she knew about Danielle.

"I'd rather not get into it." Danielle replied.

Kristine nodded in understanding, but her curiosity got the best of her. Soon she'd be leaving and would probably never see Danielle again. "You know...you know my whole story and I know nothing about you."

Danielle opened her mouth to speak and closed it again, pursing her lips. She didn't like talking about her childhood. Kristine nudged her with her foot, hoping she'd share. Danielle rolled her eyes at the woman then let her head fall back on the couch.

"I didn't have a great childhood.." Danielle began, letting her sentence hang. Kristine nudged her again and Danielle sighed. "I was an only child and my parents fought all the time. Not just arguing but, physically they fought. My father was an abusive man but my mom, she's a tough cookie.

When I was about 10 my dad started coming into my room at night. I'm sure you can deduce what happened. He put the fear of God in me, told me he'd have me six feet under if I ever said a word. I was weak and afraid. This went on for a couple years until my mom found out what was happening. One night, I awoke to a gunshot. She had shot my father point blank while he slept. The police were at my house so fast, she's still serving a 25 year sentence in upstate New York."

Kristine listened in shock as Danielle told her story. She shed a few tears for the little girl Danielle used to be. "Wow...Danielle, I'm so so-"

"Don't apologize, that was a long time ago. It's in no way your burden to carry. I'm sure you can understand not wanting pity." Danielle said softly.

"How about a hug? Can I hug you?" Kristine asked. Danielle chuckled softly and nodded, holding her arms out to the other woman. Kristine moved into Danielle's arms and the women sat together in a quiet embrace.

They stayed this way for a long time and the silence was comforting. Duke broke the silence with a bark causing both women to jump and pull apart. Duke raced to the door, pacing back and forth growling softly.

"Cut it out, Duke!" Danielle said, standing to check the front of the house. A navy blue sedan was parked out front and two women stepped out of the car. Danielle looked back to Kristine who hadn't moved from the couch. "They're here" she said unnecessarily.

"They?" Kristine asked burrowing a brow. She wondered who was with Mother Elena and stood to join Danielle as she opened the door.

"Kristine!" The younger woman called out excitedly, running the rest of the distance to the front door. Danielle stepped to the side as the woman threw her arms around Kristine with tears in her eyes. "I thought I'd never see you again!" She cried.

"I didn't know you were coming." Kristine smiled as she hugged the woman back, her own eyes beginning to water.

"Of course I would come! You're my best friend. I only had to beg a little to be allowed to join Mother Elena" She laughed.

The other woman, who Danielle assumed was Elena smiled stiffly as she approached the threshold. "Kristine, I'm so glad you're alright. We prayed every day for you."

Danielle stepped further to the side, suddenly feeling incredibly awkward as she allowed the women entrance into her home.

"Mother Elena. Thank you for coming." Kristine said politely and gave the woman a brief hug. "I'd like you both to meet Danielle. She found me and saved my life." Kristine smiled, placing a hand on Danielle's shoulder. "Danielle, this is Mother Elena and Sister Abby." She said gesturing respectively.

Elena spoke first, shaking Danielle's hand with both of her own. "It's a pleasure. Thank you for taking care of our girl. God bless you."

Abby forwent a handshake, opting for a hug instead. "It's nice to meet you." She smiled and kissed Danielle's cheek before she pulled away.

Danielle blushed and spoke quietly. "It's nice to meet you both as well. Um can I get you something to drink? Would you like to sit?" She asked awkwardly. She was obviously uncomfortable and it showed.

"I'll make tea" Kristine offered and began towards the kitchen. A little panicked to be left alone with two nuns, Danielle gently grabbed Kristine's arm, much to her confusion.

"Nope, I've got it. You should catch up." Danielle said and trotted to the kitchen. She was relieved to have a task and a reason to escape the room.

"Oh alright" Kristine smirked and turned back to the other women, gesturing to the living room. "Please sit, I know you've had a long drive."

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