chapter seven

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Had me dieing^       

Ruby's pov 

after drooping Edward of at the restaurant me and Jake sit in the back listening to there conversation thank god Bella sighs what Edward said its just I hate ruby so much Bella said why do you hate my girlfriend he asked with a growl .she stole you and Jake from me Bella cry's we were never yours's in the first place Edward said yes you were I had you and Jake begging for me. and then she come along and you both are after her you should be with me not her I'm pretty she's ugly I have some killer curves she doesn't I have the body of a goddess. she has the body of a fish what do you and Jake see in her everything Edward says I see the world when I'm with them all the things I miss I can see with them. but you can see all of that when your with me Bella said no I cant the only reason I'm even here is to tell you to leave my boyfriend and girlfriend alone got it Edward growls why should I .Bella said because did you forget what I am I know what you are does ruby know Bella said Edward sighs ha I knew it why be with her she doesn't even know your a vampire. dose Jake know is Jake even human why wont you guys tell me what is going on because its none of your business Edward says but it is you guys are mine that's it ruby says wait Jake says what now Jake. I get it you still love her but this has gone to far what Jake said you heard me no I don't love her what I was going to say is wait tell she is alone and no one will find the body what you don't love her. is that all you got out of that Jake laughs I mean yeah I heard what else you said but that is what spoke out to me the most god I really do love you and I'm sorry for the way I was acting before. it felt like someone put a spell on me but  that doesn't make up for what I did  will you ever for give me Jake asked yes I will now let's wait tell she's alone and give her a peace of our minds. because I'm tired of this shit I've let her get away with this for far to long now. your right Jake said and I'm so sorry i did nothing to stop her before its fine i said no its not I hurt you and Edward I don't know why you guys are even still with me he said because we love you I said and we will never stop no matter what .

thank you guys so much for the support I hope you guys are liking the story and I'm so happy that people are reading it at first this was just for fun but now after some time I see that you guys really do love it and that makes me so happy that you guys are loving it I hope you guys are having a great week stay safe 

Love you wolfs ❤️

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