chapter four

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Jacob pov

I don't know what's wrong with me every time I look at Bella it makes me sick but every time I look at Ruby I Can't Help Falling in Love with her over and over again and then there's Edward. I didn't mean to fall in love with him I didn't want to fall in love with him but I did and there's nothing I can do to take it back and I wouldn't. but lately it seems like I've had a spell put on me I've ignored Edward and Ruby I've been hanging out with Bella more it's weird I don't want Bella I just can't help but feel like someone's trying to control my actions .and I don't know what is happening at first I wanted Bella more than anything and now after shifting into my wolf and learning about vampires imprinting I can't help but think what if I never turned into a wolf. what if I never imprinted on Ruby and Edward would I still be hanging over Bella I figured it out now my feelings are confused but I understand now .Edward told me that Ruby was done with me and I could feel it my imprint bond with her slowly breaking I had to choose between Edward Ruby and Bella and I choose Ruby and Edward I don't want Bella .today at school I saw Ruby and Edward hanging around by the table I've been hanging around Bella's table and all we ever do is just talk about the Cullens how they're weird freaks and then they started talking about how Ruby was a total slut how she stole Edward and me from Bella I couldn't take it anymore so I yelled out if you don't shut up already. all of them looked at me what did you say Mike said I said shut up I growled at him we were just telling the truth Jessica said batting her eyelashes at me there's nothing truthful about what you're saying you don't know anything .how about you leave me alone and go mind your own business I said standing up I'm done here wait Jake Bella shouted where you going she said back to my table I said growling at her but you wouldn't leave me would you she said trying to give me a puppy dog face looking more like a grim than anything I'm leaving Bella. I said walking away slowly walking over to Edward and Ruby can I talk to you guys I said sure Edward said  grabbing Ruby's  hand nah I'm good Ruby said  snatching her hand away from Edward. Ruby come on Edward said I don't want to she said please Mayflower he said fine she said standing up walking outside I stood by The Cars waiting for them what do you want Jacob. Ruby growled at me I came to say I'm sorry I said as calmly as I could sorry she shouted  that's all you have to say after a week of picking Bella over us you have to say sorry. I can't trust you anymore Jacob she said you left us for her once what makes you think that you won't leave us again for her I knew this would happen she said it's always going to be Bella Swan isn't it. she said no I said I don't want Bella my feelings were confused I admitted I was confused about what I wanted I said I realized how Bella was using me to get what she wanted as she was manipulating me I don't want that. I said you guys never manipulated me all you ever did was love me and I can't help but think that what if I mess this up what if one day you guys just decide not to love me anymore it's happened before when Bella found out about you guys she left me what if one day Edward decides that he doesn't want to be around me anymore that he doesn't want me as a mate what if you decide that Ruby I said. I don't think I could live with myself if you did that to me we would never do that Ruby said I couldn't live without you guys she said looking at our eyes you are the most important thing in the world to me Jacob Black and Edward Cullen I love you until the end of time. she said and there's nothing or nobody that's going to change that for me she said now I accept your apology Jacob I understand what you were going through just please never leave us like that again I could feel our bond healing slowly but surely  I love you I said to both of them what Ruby said smiling I love you I said to both of them we love you to  Ruby said. grabbing my hand come on I said grabbing Edward's hand walking inside the school having sat down at the table Edward sitting beside me where am I supposed to sit Ruby said with a pout on her face come here I said sitting her on my lap. fine she said putting her feet on Edwards lap you know I was thinking after school we should meet up at my house Edward said with a smile what do you have in mind baby Ruby said nothing he said smiling at us I just want to be with my mates he said aw baby Ruby said of course we'll come with you she said. right Jake of course sunshine I said you know I miss that nickname she said really I asked of course there's nothing I'd rather hear more than you guys calling me sunshine and Mayflower she said  well as much as I love watching you three talk Alice said we have to get going we have class she said smiling .you know Alice sometimes I think you do this on purpose we said laughing I do I do she said walking away well I suppose we should get to class huh ruby said.  walking away bye she said kissing my cheek. in a daze waving like a teenage boy bye I said you're whipped Edward said.
Yeah I said grabbing his hand you know I love you right I said to him yeah he said smiling I love you too he said kissing  my cheek oh come on I said pouting fine he said giving me a peck on the lips you know I'll never get tired of this I said smiling. let's get to class before we end up in trouble he said alright I said smiling like a school boy. 

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