Jealousy 2

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A\N I'm sorry for interrupting but I just wanted to make things clear here. If you find any wrong dialect well it because I'm neither American nor am I British. I'm a Nigerian writing like an American would.

And feel free to make corrections. I won't bite (wink)


Chapter seven

Nicole's POV

I stared at her. Is she calling me a maid? Do I look like a maid to her? What the... Oh I get it my dressing makes me look like a maid. Well it not like I'm proud of it. Ugh she's so annoying, Honeybunch my foot.

She's his girlfriend?,

I feel like crying out loud.

Well she's his type though blonde, big boobs, sexy butt, slim body, ugh I dislike her already.

"She's not a maid Stella, get your coffee your self" Nina said, it seems she doesn't like her either.

"Nina" Bryan scolded

" Ah well then who is she?"

"She's Bryan's assistant and she lives here, got a problem with that" Nina replied rolling her eyes rudely.

This time I and Bryan scolded"Nina stop" I looked over at him but he was glaring at Nina.

"Hey it okay, where's is the other one I need coffee I had a long day"

"I will say it again there is no maid in this house to attend to your needs so get what you want yourself" Nina said raising her voice.

"Ni..." Bryan wanted to speak but Stella cut him off.

"Listen you brat..." She coughed"I mean listen beautiful I don't care about what you say I need my coffee and someone will have to get it for me get that" she said while flickering her hair and gesturing with her hand.


"Nina go to your room now" Bryan said before Nina could talk back.


"I said go" he yelled glaring at her. Nina ran up the stairs angrily.

"Get her coffee Nicole"

"Wait what... I mean sirrr" I said why should I go? Is he crazy? No I won't go.

"I said. get. the. madam here her coffee" he said with gritted teeth glaring his grey eyes at me.

"Ye...yes sir, do you want it mam" I said staring at stupid Stella.

"Black" she said without saying thank you. Ughhh

I went into the kitchen, well Bianca went to get groceries and Nina is in her room, now who the hell will I talk my mind out to?. I guess only one person is left. Me.

"She's so annoying, gosh"

"Are you the new maid?" I asked, mocking Stella.

"Get me coffee, sweetie, Honeybunch, ugh gross"

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