A Day Off

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Once they return home that night, Hank is already planning on what he's going to do on his day off. Connor never really minded the slew of work they dealt with but he's also thankful to have the day off, if not to relax then to spend some time with Hank.

Lately, Connor had been noticing a shift in their relationship and he hoped Hank had noticed it as well. They were still work partners, of course, but the android couldn't help but feel a stronger connection than that. As bad as he could be with pin-pointing the specific emotions he was experiencing, this particular one stuck out to him. He had been wrestling with whether or not it was what he thought it was. Did he just really enjoy Hanks company? Or was he legitimately harboring romantic feelings for him? And if so, how did Hank feel?

"If you're gonna run through that sleep program thing ya do tonight—"

"My sleep cycle?"

"Yeah, that. You're not gonna be standin' in the corner of my room like some fuckin' sleep paralysis demon. You either sleep in the living room or in my bed." Hank tells Connor. "Remind me to show you some horror movies later so you'll understand why it's so fuckin' creepy."

Connor cocks his head slightly. "Why don't we watch one now?" He suggests, giving Hank a smile when he looks over at him.

"Right before bed? Tch," Hank scoffs in amusement. "Sounds like a nightmare waitin' to happen." He had been a big horror fan when he was younger but as his age climbed, the effect the horror genre had on him wasn't as thrilling as it used to be. What an idiot he had been as a kid, subjecting himself to sleepless nights and nightmares. Though, now he couldn't help but wonder if androids could experience nightmares.

"Well, if you'd rather watch it later—"

"Nah, we can watch a scary movie if you want." Hank cuts Connor off, giving a passive shrug. "By the way, do you things have dreams? Would be a shame if you had nightmare after watching one of those movies."

Connor recalls the nightmare he had about RK900 the other night and mentally shudders. However, the probability of him having a nightmare after witnessing a piece of media was highly unlikely and that was enough to give him peace of mind about watching a horror movie. Besides, he'd be watching it with Hank so it would probably have little to no effect on him anyway.

"We can experience dream sequences in a similar way that humans can. Recently, I've come to realize that nightmare sequences may also occur." The android answers.

"Huh. Well ain't that somethin." Hank lets out, giving Connor a bit of an impressed once over. CyberLife really knew what they were doing when they created these things, didn't they?

"However, I doubt I will experience a nightmare due to a film created by humans. Nightmare sequences occur due to more... personal reasons."

"Fair enough. Let's put it on then." Hank decides, taking a seat on the couch next to Sumo who was nearly taking up two whole cushions with his side. "I'll find an old favorite of mine. I think you'll like it." After some searching, Hank manages to find a digital copy of "Child's Play" buried in an archive among other old movies in his personal list and puts that on. It was cheesy and humorous as it hadn't particularly aged well, however it was never initially intended to be taken seriously. It was a walking talking killer doll, after all.

"Sumo, move over. Connor needs to sit down too."

"Oh, I can sit on the floor if I have to, Lieutenant. Sumo was sitting there first and—"

Hank gives Connor a questioning look. "You're not sitting on the floor. Sumo has his own bed in the corner of the room and he can lay down there." Connor glances over at the large dog bed. He was aware that it was there but all the same, he wanted Sumo to be as comfortable as possible in his own house. Hank gives the St. Bernard a couple of nudges and with a grunt, the large dog gets up and hops off of the couch. Instead of heading towards his bed, he lazily plops down in front of the couch, wanting to be closer to Connor and Hank.

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