The Investigation

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"We know it's an Android because it's wearing one of those CyberLife Uniforms but we can't determine which Android it might be due to the camera quality."

Hank and Connor stood before a member of the security staff who worked in the museum. How a night worker had been unaware of someone sneaking in and committing theft without his knowledge was beyond them. Connor concluded that there was a high likelihood that he was sleeping on the job but he couldn't say for sure.

"Why would a free Android be wearing a uniform if they didn't even work in this vicinity...?" Connor thinks aloud.

"You'd think it'd be easier for it just to dress human to keep from being detected so easily." Hank chimes in.

"Maybe it wanted to be noticed." Connor suggests and turns to look at the security guard. "Can we see the footage? I think I may be able to detect who it is based on the color of their uniform and probable model. That way we'll know what type of android to look for."


After watching the tape, Connor's quick to recognize the model. "An Android from the RK series..." he says, eyeing the automaton on screen as it roams around the museum, collecting specific pieces of art and carting them off somewhere outside of the building.

"Wow, you RK's really can't help but get into trouble, huh?" Hank jokes though Connor seems far from amused. "Just tryin' to lighten the mood..." he grumbles after receiving no response.

If anything, the fact that it was an RK model committing the crime only made Connor more concerned. When he found out the deviant responsible for the revolution was a predecessor of his, he was becoming incredibly doubtful of his own capabilities and programming. He wasn't useful like he was lead to believe by CyberLife and especially Amanda. Now, here he was witnessing a member of the RK series committing crime after androids from all over were finally getting the rights they deserved. The very model that gained freedom for androids could very well ruin it, it seemed.

"This isn't good. There's a large possibility that, that RK model could be a more advanced model than even myself."

"Which means...?"

"He could be capable of things that I am not. Possess strengths that I do not, and elude our detection with ease."

"Well, 'least we know what to be lookin' out for. Maybe the paintings it snagged could tell us somethin' about it's motivations or where it might go next." Hank suggests with a shrug of his shoulders. "Since it's your model, can't you get in its head?"

"Lieutenant, I'm unable to contact it due to the fact that I'm unaware of its specific assigned serial number and—"

"No, I mean — Put yourself in its shoes, Connor. If you were lookin' to commit a robbery, why would you do it? Where would you go afterwards?" Hank asks, hoping his suggestion could actually lead somewhere. Thankfully, Connor looks thoughtful at this proposal.

"I suppose I could...try." Connor responds. He exits the security room with Hank trailing behind him and approaches the wall in which an art piece previously hanged. He runs his hand over the smooth concrete, trying to put himself in the mind of the thief.

Hank watches as Connor closes his eyes, unable to help but find his dedication endearing. He was grateful to have Connor as his partner. The Android had changed so much in his time working with him but his determination to complete jobs to the best of his ability was something that had never ceased. He was aware that Connor as well as many other androids possessed feelings but still couldn't help but wonder sometimes how far those feelings could really go. The Tracis he and Connor had witnessed that night at the Eden Club claimed to be in love and that was like a smack in the face to everything he previously believed about the machines. Could androids really love? And if so, could they only love other androids? Hank is snapped out of his thoughts when Connor finally speaks.

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