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Hank and Connor quickly arrive to the scene. A large mansion that previously belonged to Markus' human companion, Carl, before he passed away. It had become a home to quite a few androids that helped Markus during the revolution.

Connor approaches the front and knocks on the door, waiting for a moment. Hank gives the android an annoyed look and steps in front of him, turning the knob and pushing the door open. "This is kind of a time sensitive thing, Connor. We can't waste time waiting for someone to answer the door." Connor blinks and hesitates for a moment before following him inside.

Hank whistles as he looks around. "This is a hell of a nice place. Puts my place to shame."

"I find your home to be comfortable. It makes up for the room it lacks." Connor smiles.

Just then, the two of them hear shouting upstairs. They shoot each other a look before both racing upstairs. Connor beats the Lieutenant to the top, leaving Hank in the dust as he races into the room in which the sound was heard. He shoves the door open without hesitation to find Markus and Simon restraining Josh and North — the two appeared hostile just as Markus had informed him.

"You two are useless. You're androids, a race far superior, and you're fighting for equality of all things with these humans???" North asks in a snarl, attempting to yank her wrists from Markus' grasp.

"She's been talking like this since that RK900 got ahold of her." Markus says, looking over at Connor. He slowly approaches them just as Hank makes his way into the room, panting from the amount of stairs he had to climb in order to reach the top.

"A place this big and you don't even have an elevator..." he grumbles, still trying to catch his breath.

"You should be making these humans pay for the hell they put us through. Giving us one reason to live and then trashing us when they don't deem us useful anymore." Josh adds to North's words which is extremely uncharacteristic of him considering his usual stance on peace before anything.

"You don't mean that, Josh. Fighting violence with violence never solves anything." Simon tries but his words fall to deaf ears.

"May I take a look at their processors?" Connor asks, looking from the two hostile androids and to Markus and Simon. Markus gives a hesitant nod and steps back, releasing North. Before she can make any sudden movements, he grabs on of her arms, his synth-skin peeling back as well as her own as he probes her systems for any indication of what may be affecting them. After a moment of their LED's blinking from yellow to red, Connor releases her and North shoots him a nasty glare.

"It appears as though some of her systems have been rewired somehow. Do you know how exactly this happened?"

"That RK900 grabbed her arm just like you did. Next thing we knew, she was like this and so was Josh." Markus gives a head nod in the others direction. "We tried to re-deviate them. To turn them back to normal — but nothing's worked."

"Oh, great. You let one in." North says, eyeing Hank with a nasty glare. She seemed to hate humans even more than she previously had. Before, her hatred was fueled by fear but now, it was fueled by something else. Pure anger, it seemed. "Better late than never to get even." She begins to trudge over to Hank but before she can reach him, Connor stops her by grabbing her shoulder.

"North, you're not yourself—" Connor tries but she slaps his hand away. This time, he attempts to step in front of her and with fury in her eyes, she gives him a rough shove back.

"You're degrading to your own kind. You betrayed us before and you're doing it again — those humans don't see you as their equal." She points to Hank who looks confused. "They never did and they never will. This is why we have to put them in their place."

Just Like You but Betterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن