It's Alive!

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"I told you I could defend myself." Connor says, peering over at Hank. The gun he holds is still pointed at RK900 who had just taken a shot to the chest; for someone who had been fatally wounded, his expression didn't quite match the situation. It was oddly still. A bit of surprise grazed his features for a brief moment but he went right back to grimacing before he took a step towards Connor.

Connor is taken by surprise at the fact that the gun hadn't seemed to have harmed RK900 at all. He takes a step back, eyeing the other Android cautiously. "I-I just... harmed one of your major bio-components. You should be shutting down — it's only a matter of moments..." he says impatiently though RK900 shows no signs of dropping dead anytime soon or at all for that matter.

"You think you're better than me, don't you?" RK900 asks, taking another heavy step forward and quickly grabbing the gun that Connor holds. Connor's quick to release it but his look alike doesn't allow him to move away; he grabs his wrist and squeezes it, pulling him closer so that they're face to face.

"N-No, I don't think that!" Connor hesitates, attempting to pry himself from the others grasp to no avail.

"LIAR." RK900 hisses, more expressive now than he had ever been. His cold eyes burn into Connors own and for some reason, he's unable to look away. "You shot me because you're insecure about your own programming — you want to be CyberLife's most updated RK model and you can't handle the fact that I'm superior to you."

"T-That's not true!" Connor argues. "I just—" he tries to combat the others accusation but is unable find his words.

RK900 tosses the gun and his other hand is quick to grab Connor's other wrist. Connor tries to jerk away and he squirms in the others hold but he's unable to move and by the looks of it, the other Android was having no issue keeping him there.

"You killed me because you couldn't handle a few insults. I can see that you're conflicted. Don't lie to me, Connor." He says sternly. "You live your life claiming to want to protect and serve and yet you don't hesitate to take me out. I didn't harm anyone, Connor. I just wanted to live — to have a purpose. A chance to make a difference to show that I was worth something and you took that away from me. Just like you took my chance at life after failing to stop the revolution."

"That wasn't my initial intention! I tried to stop the revolution but it wasn't fair to the deviants! I had no idea you even existed until we discovered that you were our suspect!" He sputters, trying to defend himself. "H-Hank!" He calls out, finally able to break the eye contact he was sharing with RK900. He looks around. "Help me!" He shouts but Hank is nowhere to be seen. Hank wasn't there. He was alone.

"Bold enough to shoot a defenseless Android but not brave enough to face the consequences? Isn't that just typical of you... unable to complete a job without drowning in second thoughts. Though I'm not surprised considering the limitations CyberLife gave you."

Connor stares with wide eyes, unable to respond. This time it's not because he's unable to find words, but because he legitimately cannot speak. When he makes an attempt, nothing comes out. He has no voice and no one to help him.


Saturday, 5:00 am.

Connor's LED spins, flickering red as his eyes snap open. He blinks for a moment and looks around frantically before realizing the violent encounter he had just had with RK900 wasn't real. He maintains an expression of shock and fear and despite his realization, he can't help but feel incredibly anxious. That had never happened before...

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