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"I let my emotions get the better of me." Connor speaks as he paces the living room of Hanks house. Hank sits on the couch in casual wear; he had been trying to watch television but he had decided that what was bothering Connor was more important. They had only just arrived home an hour prior and Hank was exhausted after such a brutally long day at work.

"He just made me feel so... useless. I tried. I really tried, Lieutenant. I couldn't help but resent him because of CyberLife and their plan to replace me. E-Even though that's far over with by now..." he stops and stares at the floor, frowning some. "I shouldn't have done it. When I was talking to him about his purpose, I could tell he was listening. There was apart of him that knew I was right. Apart of him that wanted to listen, and yet..." Connor trails off, not sure what else there was to say.

Hank lets out a sigh and pats the spot next to him. "C'mon, why don't ya try sitting down and talking? You're obviously really tense right now." Connor takes his suggestion and sits down next to Hank, eyes still fixed on the floor. He looked like a kicked puppy in this state. Speaking of puppies, Sumo had made his way over and quickly picked up on Connors mood, licking his hands at an attempt to comfort him. The large dog hops up into the couch, causing Connor to lean back as he plops down on both Hank and Connors laps.

"Agh, Sumo, c'mon! We're trying to have a serious conversation here!" Hank scolds the dog but it gets him nowhere. Sumo was firmly planted in that spot and didn't seem to plan on moving any time soon.

Connor manages a smile and rubs at Sumos fur. The dog seems to appreciate it as his tail starts wagging and he lets out a soft "boof" in response. "I believe he wants in on the conversation, Lieutenant." Connor tells the older man, looking to him with a slight smile.

Hank can't help but smile back, just glad to see his partner looking somewhat okay after such a rough day. He absentmindedly reaches over to rub at Connors back. He had gotten quite used to showing that he cared through means of even the smallest of gestures with Connor. He didn't feel as though he had to but instead, he wanted to show Connor that he cared.

"You're not useless, Connor. You did the only thing you could do in that situation and made a choice." Hank tells him. "I won't lie, the fucker kind of terrified me. Thought I was gonna be the one to drop dead in there."

Connor stays silent, not sure how to respond. A simple thank you would probably suffice but Hank's attempts to make him feel better went beyond that. Connor never had someone in his life to care as much as Hank did — even though he'd technically only been alive for a few months. He felt lucky to have someone like Hank as a partner to help him through his newfound emotions, especially when they negatively impacted him.

Instead of saying anything, the Android scoots closer to his companion and does something he'd seen in a number of movies he managed to get his hands on during his free time. He leans against Hank, seeking all the support the other man could offer. From what he understood, it was considered a romantic gesture but rather than feeling awkward like he had highly anticipated it would realistically, it didn't. It felt incredibly right. Connor smiles when he feels the others arm snake around him to pull him even closer. Sneaking a glance at Hank face, Connor notices the red dusted across his cheeks. He also can't help but pick up on how the Lieutenants heart rate had sped up in mere seconds after they made contact with one another.

"Are you okay, Hank? Your heart rate appears rapid."

"I'm fine..." Hank grumbles, his eyes fixed on the television.

"Are you positive? I'm concerned that you may fall victim to a heart attack."

Hank rolls his eyes at that. "You ask too many questions... I'm just a bit flustered is all, alright?" He says hastily, embarrassed that he had made his emotions so apparent. Atleast Connor was still quite clueless about certain types of body language that could suggest that this physical interaction meant more to Hank that he was letting on.

"Flustered? Why would you be embarrassed?" Connor presses on much to Hanks dismay, turning his head to get a good look at Hanks face this time.

"I'm not embarrassed...I'm just—..." he sighs, shifting in his spot on the couch and leaning his face into his palm at a subconscious attempt to hide his red face. "Look, would ya stop askin' questions?" He looks back at Connor, appearing somewhat frustrated. Sumo leans up to lap a sloppy lick across Hanks face. He recoils a bit but is otherwise unaffected, being so used to the St. Bernard's affections throughout the years.

"Oh," Connor says in response. "Sure." He says and looks away but quickly realizes that he has another question in mind. He brings his gaze back to Hank. "Could it have something to do with our contact? You didn't seem to be experiencing this before I moved closer." He says thoughtfully, giving Hank a smile. He hoped that was what it was about. Hank says nothing but instead just stares and Connor continues. "I've come to recognize that this is a means of showing appreciation. I appreciate you for trying to make me feel better, Lieutenant. And... I really like sharing this contact with you." He admits openly, as if he had no shame. Hank, on the other hand, was burning up.

"Yeah, Yeah..." Hank grumbles in response, finding the androids attempts to understand romantic human interaction quite adorable though he'd never say it out loud. "Didn't I say all this talk was getting annoying? Let's just find somethin' to watch, alright? I'll show you one of those crime movies you've been pestering me about."

"That sounds nice, Hank." Connor could tell that his partner wasn't intentionally trying to sound harsh and did indeed appreciate his honesty in this instance and that made him feel pretty good about himself. He'd never seen Hank like this before so it must have been quite an achievement. Connor continues to pet Sumo and leans his head against Hanks shoulder as his partner finds a buddy cop film for the two of them to enjoy.

Despite the day's events, Connor felt a bit better thanks to Hank's assurance and he was happy with how the night was concluding. He was sure he'd be back to worrying tomorrow but for now, he'd shove those thoughts from his mind and enjoy the night.

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