23: The Hunt

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"Son of bitch!" Namjoon and I are drawing our weapons as the glass wall behind Namjoon shatters along with his tea cup.

The rest of the house comes barging into to Namjoon's office and before anyone can ask what happened I catch a glimpse of a black mass darting towards the woods and I'm taking off after it. "SOMEONE GET TAO, JAEHYUN AND MARK NOW!" I yell as I the chase between me and this unknown person begins.

I chase this black mass through the woods. They stay slightly ahead of me; just slightly faster than myself. I lose sight of them, but soon I hear a grunt and some branches breaking before I hear a few more grunts and Tao and Mark yell for me.

I quickly find where they are and see that Tao has his knee in the back of a girl who doesn't look much older than myself; dressed in all black and trying to struggle in his hold. "What do we do with her?"

"Knock her out." Tao quickly delivers a harsh but non-fatal jab to the underside of her jaw; effectively knocking her unconcious.

Tao carrys her back to the house and I make my way to Namjoon's office while Tao ties the girl up. "Namjoon we need to pack everything and leave. Now."

"I know, everyone is packing everything. Yoongi, Jackson and Jaehyun are taking care of the weapons room. Wonho is handling coms. Jimin, Taehyung, Hui and Sehun are packing rooms and Jin and I.M are packing food. Call Hoseok and Jungkook. Tell them to pack everything they can. Jungkook needs to wipe everything from coms after making a disk. You need to do the same downstairs. I will handle everything in here. Go."

I pull my phone out as I leave Namjoon's office and call Hoseok "Yeah, babe what's up?"

"Pack everything you can. All my weapons. We need most of our clothes; tell Jungkook to make a disk and wipe coms. Wipe everything. Meet me at house eight and toss your phones after you let me know you are leaving do you understand me. I will tell you everything when I see you okay? I love you."

"I love you too. I'll see you and little ones soon. Be safe."

"I will, you be safe too. Both of you."

"We will babe."

He hangs up and I jog down the stairs to the basement and slide over across from Wonho. "What have you done so far?"

"Just disks. I'm working on encrypting and wiping everything but I could use some help."

"That's what I'm here for." I pull up a second keyboard and work on sections Wonho hasn't gotten to yet; heavily encrypting the files before wiping them from the system.

Yoongi comes downstairs and hands me my knife and a new clip. "You guys done yet?"

I tap a few more keys "Yes. Wonho, grab a staff. We have to destroy the table."

Wonho grabs a staff Yoongi left for this exact reason and smashes the table. I pull out the harddrive and motherboard and completely destroy them before I pick up all the pieces and stuff them in a bag. "Yoongi, you and Tao take this to the lake and get rid of it. Make sure it sinks, understood?"

"Understood." He comes back upstairs and I hear one of the ATV's start up.

"Wonho follow me."

We go back upstairs and out front where we unhook all the dogs from their chains and load them into their crates in the back of one of the SUV's. Some of the other men are loading the ATVs, dirt bike and bikes onto trailers on the other SUVs. I go back in the house and pack all of the dogs things before Yoongi and Tao are coming back and we are loading everything into separate cars. Each of us is taking one. The extra men are taking the SUVs. The normal nine of us are taking separate vehicles along with Tao and Mark. After that everyone pairs up. Jaehyun goes with Tao and they are taking the girl. Wonho is riding with me; Jackson with Namjoon; Hui with Jimin; Sehun with Taehyung; and I.M. with Yoongi.

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