22: Ghosts of Bangtan's Future

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+ 3rd person POV +

There's a knock on the solid wooden door. The noise echoing in the strangely quiet room.

"Come in." A gruff and old sounding voice is heard through the door.

"You wanted to see me uncle?"

"Ah yes. My little ghost. Come in my child. Uncle has a new assignment for you." The older man slides a folder towards the young girl.

She picks it up and flicks through it quickly. "My next target is Kim Namjoon? The head of the Bangtan Dragons? Uncle I understand what power you hold and how good I am at what I do. I don't mean to defy you in anyway sir."

"Continue child. What do you wish to say."

"However, the right hand of this mafia. She's on the same level as me. She just doesn't hide her crimes. I mean if she did she would be just as good as me at it. And her boyfriends? Jungkook is one of the most skilled fighters known to us. The only ones above him are ZiTao and Jeong Jaehyun who are both now with The Bangtan Dragons. Are you sure you want me to go after him?"

The older man hums "Yes I'm sure. You will do as you are told Ghost. Stalk him, make him your prey and strike when he's least expecting it like the good girl you are. Now go!"

The girl bows her head "Yes uncle."

The girl moves quickly. Contacting her brother who is admittedly the best hacker out there. Once he has the address in his hands, he is quickly hacking into the security system to give his sister a look inside the house.

For weeks the young girl stalks Namjoon, learning his habits. Whose around him. And when the best time to strike would be.

She makes her plan and waits a few days to put her plan into action.

However, this young girl has doubts. She's hesitating and she's not sure why.

Her uncle trained her to be emotionless, fearless, and ruthless so that no one could break her or her brother down.

Admittedly her uncle preferred her over her brother. Her twin to be exact. He chose the petty side of this life. While Ghost chose the more dangerous one. Ghost took to weapons and hand on hand combat, as well as being a highly trained and skilled long distance sniper.

However, this man her uncle set his targets on; Kim Namjoon. She feels something.

His smile when having light conversations with his team; the confidence he oozes when laying out a plan; the dedication he has to his team and his position; his surprisingly attractive face that's even more attractive in person. All of these things make her stomach do little flips.

But she reminds herself that she's here for a job. Not to become a disappointment.

When she finally sets her plan in motion. She's laying over the hill in the backyard; a clear path to Namjoon's office. He comes in with his right hand following. They seem to be discussing something important based on the serious faces both of them wear.

Ghost takes her rifle off safety and lines up her shot. She takes a deep breath and holds it before pulling the trigger. The glass behind Namjoon shatters and the teacup sitting to his left does also. Ghost missed on purpose. She couldn't bring herself to kill this man just because his rising power is threatening to take her uncle down a notch.

Both Ari and Namjoon are drawing their weapons immediately. The rest of the house members barging into Namjoon's office at the sound of glass shattering. As Ghost gets up to run; Ari spots her and the chase begins.



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