Chapter 22: Stay the fuck away.

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It's been such a good night meeting new people and just having fun, Hayley and Justin went somewhere and kian was getting more drunk by the minute, I wasn't drunk at all sure I had a few drinks but not enough to make me completely drunk. I left Kian's side to get another drink, and felt arms wrap around me "c-come with me, I need to s-show you something" kian slurred, completely off his face.

I followed him out of curiosity we went into this dark room and I could feel myself start to panic I couldn't really see much but a light coming through from the window, he's a good guy don't stress I whispered to myself.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my back I was pushed up against the wall, what the fuck was happening?

"Kian?" I called out on the verge of tears "Addison shhh! It's okay, I want you so bad, just as much as you want me I'll make it special" he smirked against my neck, "no, I don't want to!" I said backing away from him, he took a step forward and grabbed my arm, "Addison we can do this the easy way or the hard way your choice" I couldn't breathe what was happening, I can't do this I'm not ready and especially not with him!

"Stay the fuck away from me Kian" I punched his stomach and ran to find a door, "you will regret doing that Addison" he laughed, I couldn't find the way we came in. I've never been so scared in my life, where Hayley?

"HAYLEY" I screamed as loud as I can, "shut the fuck up bitch" he slapped me across the face, it stung like a bitch, "we're gonna do this and your going to enjoy it" he whispered in my ear, grabbing my body bringing it closer to him. "No" I shouted I couldn't stop crying. Why me? Why was I stupid enough to go to this fucken party with this maniac, "please let me go" I begged trying to break free, but he wouldn't.

He started touching me in different places I have to find a way to escape, he's not going to take my virginity, I won't let him. With all the strength I had in me I kicked him in the balls and punched his face I watched him drop to the floor in pain "you stupid whore, watch out I always get what I want" he groaned in pain, I ran towards the window and looked around for the door I found it and quickly ran, my eyes were blurry from crying so much. I ran to where all the people were dancing and drinking and tried to find Hayley, looking around which felt like forever I found her and justin getting a drink "Addison! What's wrong?" She said running up to me, "Kian, h-he tried t-to" "to what?" She asked confused

"Hayley babe, let's go dance use can talk later" Justin said pulling her away.

I watched her walk away, she fucken walked away when she knew I was hurting, and she chose a boy over her bestfriend! I need to get home, why did I agree to let Kian take me? I can't call mum since its 3am she would be asleep, and I can't face her right now I'll break even more. Looking through my contacts I find her name and hesitantly press dial, I know I shouldn't call her considering everything that happened today but I had no other choice, what if she's asleep or doesn't want to speak to me? I should just hang up before she answers.

"Hello" Demi answers in a raspy voice while yawning she's clearly been asleep.

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