Chapter 35: Dude let me breathe.

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When I came home from my run the front door was locked I ran around the back to see if that door was unlocked and it was, I walked around the house and  Demi and mum both weren't here, maybe Demi went home but where is mum? going back into the kitchen I found a note on the bench:

Hi sweetheart,

Just going out for a bit I should be home later if you need anything just give me a call or go to Demi's, also I left some money incase you wanted to order food.

Love you,
Mum xx

I'm happy mums gone out and doing something instead of worrying about me, maybe I should invite Sam over he can keep me company or just stay home by myself.. Nope I definitely need to catch up with my best friend.

"What's up bitch tits?" Sam said walking through my door, that's what I loved about Sam he didn't give a fuck like if you've known him for a while he won't knock on your door he will just walk straight in and let you know his there.

"Hello to you too" I smirked hugging him.

"How have you been? I've been so worried about you!" He was hugging me really tight.

"Dude let me breathe, I've been okay I'm going back to school tomorrow"

"What happened, tell me everything from start to finish and especially why you and Hayley aren't talking"  I let out a sigh and told him everything, I was over telling people what happened but he is my best friend and deserves to know.

"Holy fuck im going to kill that son of a bitch, they better lock him up quick before I stab him to death and hayley what the actual fuck who does she think she is leaving you like that for some dumb fuck!" He was beyond angry pacing back and forward around the kitchen.

"But I'm so proud of you for going to the police who knows what he would do to someone else if you didn't go, and remind me to thank the hot English teacher for being there for you." He added.

"Yeah I'm thankful for her, she lives next door but let's just forget about this and order pizza and watch movies?"

"She lives next door? Damn girl I wish my lover lived next to me" he smirks

"She's not my lover!"

"Yet.. But she clearly cares about you, and you's would be so cute!"

"Oh shut up go choose some movies while I order some pizza"

I order our favourite pizzas and got garlic bread since that's sam's favourite, 10 minute wait and then I'll go pick it up.

"Food will be ready in 10 minutes so I'll go pick it up, are you coming or staying?"

"I'm staying I can't let people see me in trackies and a hoodie especially when I'm known for my good looks" he was really dramatic sometimes.

"Your such a sook mate, and cocky"

"Well you know how much I love co-"

"Okay okay, stop I don't want to hear anything else! Oh my god" I was slightly disturbed.

"Oh please girl you love it" I couldn't help but laugh at his stupid comeback, he is a funny guy I'll give him that but cocky as fuck.

"I'll be back in 5 minutes don't mess up my house okay?" I warned walking towards the door.

"Don't worry I'll invite people over for a massive party!"

I just shook my head walking towards the bench grabbing my purse and keys walking to the car.


I was on my way home and it started to rain really heavy there was a thunderstorm, I pulled up my drive way and messaged Sam to come out to the car and help me carry the food in since it was heavy and I can barely see past the rain, I waited for 5 minutes and he still didn't come out.

Fucken hell Sam you had one job!
I was honestly pissed, I grabbed the pizzas and garlic bread and slowly walked towards my door trying not to drop it all, and then tried to open the door.

I managed to open it and walked to the kitchen shouting, "Sam what the actual fuck! there's like a thunderstorm out there I texted you to come help me? You had one Fucken job!"

"Whoops didn't check my phone sorry" no shit you idiot.

"Your lucky I'm not throwing your pizza at your face" I laughed.

"Well sorry we have a guest"

"Don't tell me you did invite heaps of people you fucken idiot!" I turned around and my face dropped, we do have a guest.. well this is embarrassing.

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