"You're crazy! Why would you want ot talk to Peter? Can you please change your mind? We can leave right now!" Stiles said slamming the car door to his Jeep. He went over to the other side, and opened the door for Lydia. Lydia got out with a smile.

"Thank you, Stiles." She said as he shut the door.

"Are you sure you want to do this? We can leave now, and go get that fox." Stiles said ignoring Lydia's compliment.

"Yes, Stiles. I'm sure. If we need information on Beacon Hills newest threat, we should talk to Peter." Lydia told him walking to the gates. Stiles sighed and followed Lydia.

When they got to the front counter, a man said: "Hello, and what can I help you with today?"

"Hi, we were wondering if we could see Peter Hale? His daughter wanted us to drop by and ask how he was doing." Lydia asked politely.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but no visitors are allowed to see Peter Hale." He told them.

"Why not?"

"He's too...uh...well dangerous." The man said.

"Nonsense. Please?"

The man took in a deep breath. "Okay, but you have to answer one question correctly."

"Okay, sounds easy enough. What is it?"

"What is Peter Hale?" The man whispered.

Lydia looked around to see if anybody was spying in on their conversation. Once the coast was clear, she leaned in closer to the man, and whispered back: "Werewolf."

The man nodded, and he pressed something. All of the sudden Lydia and Stiles heard a loud beep, and a door opened. It was an elevator. "The sixth floor is where you'll find him."

Lydia was just about to walk into the elevator when Stiles suddenly grasped her hand. Lydia felt her cheek get all red, and was afraid Stiles would see.

"This isn't a good idea, Lydia." Stiles said clenching her hand.

Lydia's cheeks calmed down, and she replied: "It's going to be real quick. All we have to do is talk to Peter, and we're out of here."

Stiles reluctantly nodded. They walked into the elevator and pressed the button to the sixth floor.

When the elevator doors opened to the sixth floor, Stiles and Lydia saw a hallway, and on each side were cells filled with people. The air smelled rusty, and infected. The lights in the hallway flickered on an off. They slowly started walking down the hallway looking for Peter. They got to about the 17th cell when they saw Peter with another strange looking guy.

Peter was leaning on the cells medal bars, and the strange looking guy was sleeping on cot.

"Here to break me out?" Peter asked sarcastically.

"No, we're not. We're here to ask you some questions." Lydia told him.

"And what makes you think I'll answer them?" Peter asked still not looking at them.

"We have information about Malia." Lydia said taking one baby step toward the cell. Stiles still held tightly onto her hand.

"So?" He said in a not caring voice.

"So, I think you would like to know what's going on with your daughter." Lydia told him in a firm voice.

He sighed in defeat. "What do you want to know that involves me?"

"Another supernatural thing is in Beacon Hills, and we came to ask if you know anything." Stiles spoke up.

Peter finally turned around to face Lydia and Stiles. He looked sweaty, and pale. His once demanding blue eyes were know nothing but a dull brown. His face seemed red, but Lydia couldn't really tell from the bad lighting.

"Have you ever heard of the Joker?" Lydia asked.

Peter shook his head. "No."

"Ever heard of a fox in Beacon Hills?" Stiles asked.

Peter shook his head again. "Nope."

"Well, theres this fox think, and It's eyes glowed a bright green, almost like Kate's. And it was laughing and stuff. And before all that it was circling Lydia and I. Then after that a strange message was left on Derek's loft window. It read something like 'A new threat is back in Beacon Hills, and she doesn't like to play nice.' Anything ringing a bell?" Stiles asked arching an brow.

"Just a little bit. Four years ago, while Scott was dealing with his new abilities, I was always out in the woods. One day, I heard laughing, and saw a fox out of the corner of my eye. When I turned around, I didn't see a thing. I didn't smell anything, or hear anything. It just vanished." Peter told them.

"Anything else?" Asked Lydia.

"How long have you known about this?" Peter asked with a tilt of his head.

"A day or two." Lydia told him.

"Good, stop while you're ahead!" Peter told them in a serious tone.

"What-Why?" Stiles asked.

"Can't you see? You're dealing with something powerful. I don't know much about what you're talking about, but I do know some. And right now, whatever this thing is, It's a genius. If it had guts to come back to Beacon Hills twice, then it has a bad reason. It either wants revenge, or chaos. I'm warning you. Back off while you still can."

Green Means Solved:A Stydia StoryWhere stories live. Discover now