Turn the lights out now

Now I'll take you by the hand

And hand you another drink

Drink it if you can

Can you spend a little time

Time is slipping away from us so stay

Stay with me I can make

make you glad you came...

Carter and I glided across the dance floor without a second of hesistation. In that moment someone could easily have assumed we were deeply in love. The passion and moment along with the dance made everything move in slow motion. Something about our proximity made me feel something for Carter. I wasn't sure what it was, it felt like someone had released a thousand butterflies in my stomach. There was a sort of electricity that conjoined us together. Never had I felt so bizarre. People looked at us with adoration and awe. We looked like the perfect couple. The princess had found her prince.

It was all wrong but it felt so right. Carter looked into my eyes and whispered 'I'm glad you came ...' He was so close I could feel his hot breath teasing my lips. I had the strongest desire to kiss him. Something about the sparkle in his eye told me it was obvious I wanted to kiss him. A red blush spread across my face. Suddenly I realized the music had stopped and we were a stand still. He was still holding me in his arms. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Carter gazed into my eyes with a sweetness that made me want to melt. Then he hesistantly leaned in. The kiss was short but had the burning passion of fire. Immediatly the crowd burst out in applause and Carter chuckled softly. We turned towards the hundreds of people who were whistling and howling as though this was a school pep rally and not a formal event. My face turned red once again. Carter took my hand and we both bowed and exited the stage in opposite directions.

The second I was in the dressing room, I was hounded by questions. All the girls were squealing and gushing. 'I cannot believe Carter Malcolm kissed you! ' I was still processing what happened. It was probably for the crowd. Maybe he'd been drinking but what I really kept thinking about was how I much I wanted him. I wanted to violently and passionately kiss him again and again and again...

I shooed the hair and makeup ladies out and changed once again. This time my hair was flowing down to my hips in beautifully done curls. I had changed my dress to something more evening appropriate. According to my grandma it was evening appropriate- not so much for me. It was a one of kind and very sexy it hugged my curves and brought out bodily features that I had never even seen before. I felt like a runway model.

Putting on my salmon pumps that matched the gorgeous silk dress- I felt tall and confident. It felt strange because I had never felt like that in my life ...

Carter's POV

My foot tapped impatiently and nervously along the marble floors. Anthea was going to kill me and this was supposed to be the night she fell for me ! Even that bloody idiot Jasper knew this was going to go horribly wrong. Why had I signed that stupid contract ? My mind was sending me warning signals. This was not what I had and - my thoughts were interrupted when suddenly the most beautiful girl I had seen the entire evening glided across the floor. She approached Mrs. and Mr. Towers and slightly smiled. My father walked towards them and shook hands formally before turning towards the lovely girl. He smiled what appeared to be a warm smile. I knew better, he had a black heart and as much compassion as a snake. Although in the business industry a good poker face is worth millions. Literally.

Lost in thought I slowly realized they were headed towards me . My father gave me a formal nod to acknowledge my existence.

"Carter, this is Mrs. Towers' granddaughter" he said as though he were reading lines off a script.

"It is lovely to meet you" I said politely. "Would you care to dance ?" She nodded her head stiffly once. How odd she must feel so special dancing with me that she's confused. I looped my arm in hers gracefully. We left my father and Towers to discuss business matters. We began dancing and the way our bodies molded together reminded me of my dance performance with Anthea... She cleared her thought obviously awkward.

"You look absolutely stunning tonight" I said trying to make conversation. She didn't make eye contact. However she murmured a thank you. We were dancing close to the balcony and I decided I'll add in a bit of my romantic charm to make her warm up to me. I towed her towards the double glass doors out into the cool night. We looked over the balcony in silence. I walked over to her and pulled her closer to me.

"Hi can we just start over? Lets make this a fun evening for both of us. Well anyways I'm Carter Malcolm but you probably already know that. So what's your name?" She spontaneously burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" I chuckled with a good nature . She had a beautiful laugh and I found myself leaning in towards her scent. Her laughter seemed to die down. As our breaths mingled. I was about to kiss her but she suddenly pushed me away.

" You have no idea who I am do you? This is just all a game to you! Kiss me then diss me. I cannot believe you have the nerve Carter. The first time in public was bad enough but you'd really go around kissing another girl after that .. That one moment of passion between us? You know what screw you !" I wasn't sure what was going on or why this hot chick was yelling at me. Confusion was painted all over my face. She just narrowed her eyes and shoved me again before storming off. What the hell was her problem ?

I went back inside and suddenly all eyes were on me. My father pulled me inside and glared at me. 

"What did you do to Anthea?!" He harshly whispered. "Why'd she run out crying? So much for our business deal with the Towers!"

" Wait you mean to tell me that was Anthea ? Anthea is the granddaughter of the Towers?! So she's actually ... Rich?"

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