Kayama (character midnight) 🏳️‍🌈

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Notes on Kayama

The first person to get her role in the show.

Kayama was the P.E. Gym teacher in the school

Aizawa and Kayama are best friends and they always hug when Kayama is hug deprived

🏳️‍🌈Kayama is actually Asexual so she doesn't care about anything sexual and all she cares about is hugs which make her happy and her favourite person to hug is Aizawa because he's always wants to sleep.

She doesn't care for relationships but she wants friends that she can hug.

She was the best person for midnight as she didn't care what she wore she just had fun in the audition and they loved her as the part instantly knowing it has to be her.

Kayama loved going to acting classes as it was fun to learn how to be different people.

Midnight helps at an orphanage and helps looking after the children she loves to help and talk to them and give hugs the the ones sad. This means she can hug the student actors as well.

Midnight is Hug deprived and has a check list so she can make sure to hug everyone in the whole cast. She has one for the main actors and one for the extras.

Midnight babysits any children brought to the studio that are related to the actors, she's actually the best at babysitting.

Midnight loves to work with the students in school, her best students are kirishima and Tesutesu.

Midnight Actually became friends with most of the cast quickly due to wanting to hug them all.

Once everyone found out their roles they still went to their usual schools and Kayama usually accidentally calls each other and his class by their character names

Midnight did exercise activities with everyone before huge scenes because of being a P.E. teacher loved helping everyone to stay in shape.

Whenever she comes off set after any of her scenes she's always laughing because how opposite it is to her.

People go to midnight for relationship advice and she laughs saying "I'm no help sorry" because she doesn't do relationships she could give advice on how to flirt though.

🏳️‍🌈Aizawa, mic and midnight create an LGBTQ+ club on set to help everyone anyone who comes out as in the community is given a gay card and they are in the club. 🏳️‍🌈

Midnight loves her hero costume and finds it fun to wear. Her hair and make up is annoying though.

She hasn't needed a stunt double yet but may in the future if their are more action scenes midnight's in.

Kayama loves playing midnight as she's fun and the opposite of her but she prefers to help babysit when she can.

Extra information

Her parents support her choices in life.

Although were skeptical on her being asexual.

🏳️‍🌈Kayama has a younger brother who is gay and she loves to annoy him by hugging him all the time.

Her brother wasn't a fan of her hero costume and even made suggestions on how to change it to make it better for the character.
He wants to be in costume design for theatre.

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