Chapter 12

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Stacey walked past Adam as he stood up and walked behind her. She unlocked her door and walked in and Adam trailing behind. Once he was in the apartment he closed the door behind him. Stacey walked to the couch and put her bag on the living room floor and planted herself on the couch.

Adam walked over to where she was and planted himself right next to her, she could see he was not himself he had a very gloom look on his face. She looked at him and he looked at her and for a moment they just stared at each other without saying a word like they could read each other's thoughts. Stacey's mind was on a whole different planet and she was not thinking of anybody else but Tiffany and the last few days of events she still could not wrap her head around everything and anything. Her thought was interrupted when Adam spoke his voice was deep and low but he was a big softy and sometimes when he spoke loud he really did not know that his voice can be so intimidating and it can make any crowds head snap around to look at the person who is speaking and be silent.

What happened Stacey? Adam asked. Stacey knew who he was referring to and she did not know where to start explaining. She looked at him and opened her mouth to speak but nothing seemed to want to work and she did not even have the answers herself, she felt numb to everything and then she started to cry because she was not okay she just needed to cry. Everybody just expected her to be okay but nobody is checking if she was okay.

She tried to wipe the tears away but there was too much, her mind was no longer in control of her body and she felt overwhelmed by it all. She stared at her hands and fiddled with her shirt as the tears streamed down her cheeks. She then felt a sudden embrace as Adams arms wrapped around her body and he started speaking softly to her almost whispering to her so only she could hear.

Hush now, Hush now, he kept saying over and over rubbing his arm hand up and down her back. Stacey felt safe in Adam's arms. She always had feelings for Adam but because he dated her best friend she could never really express how she felt about him. She was in love with Adam since university but she was too much of a coward to ever tell him how she felt. He always treated her like his sister. At first, she thought it was a crush and that it will blow over but as the years passed and they spend a lot of time together the feelings grew stronger and somehow she managed to suppress them for the sake of their friendship. She was crazy over Adam and she wished Adam could see her the way she always wanted to be seen the woman she has become and not the shy and awkward girl back in university. She was also the one who introduced him and Tiffany so technically she was the matchmaker to their love story.

Adam was firm build he worked out a lot at the gym, you could see his muscles through his shirt and he had a six-pack which was the hottest thing to Stacey. He would always post on his social accounts pictures of him at the gym and his daily food meals. He had the most beautiful hazel color eyes. Those eyes can melt any woman's heart and you could get lost in them by just staring into them. Adam was very successful he worked very hard for everything he owns and his job allows him to travel a lot to different countries. She figured that is why his relationship was so strained with Tiffany. Adam was a happy person always smiled and nothing could get him down except when he had a cold then he would be a total baby. He was sometimes arrogant but his personality was amazing any woman would be happy to date him. He was funny and humorous always joking around and he cooked very well. He used to cook for the two of them when he used to come over to study at her house. He always dressed formally because of his work but it would not matter what he wore he would look great in it even if it was an apron. He traveled a lot so he always had his suitcases with him it would be weird if there was none with him. He was adventurous, he liked to go diving and skiing. He was into a lot of sports but like any other male, he would take a day off and slum it on the couch with a beer and watch a football game.

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