Chapter 4

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Closing her laptop, she got up and got dressed for her jog. No more pity parties she thought time to put on you're grown up undies. She left the apartment and made her way to the park. She walked slowly at her own pace. The sun was beginning to rise and she could feel that it was going to be one hot day, she put her headphones on as soon as she reached the park. As she was getting ready for her jog she did some warm-up exercises she did not want to sprain an ankle or hurt any muscle or break any bones she could not afford to stay out of work and she needed the money. She tried her best not to ask her parents any money always making the right choices and trying to save money where she could.

Right she motivated herself I can do this!! She got distracted when a woman came past with a baby stroller. She was walking with a baby this time of the morning Have this woman lost her mind Tiffany thought. The baby was crying and this poor woman looks like she hasn't slept for days. Tiffany decided to walk over to the woman to ask if she was okay and see if there was anything she could do to help her. She took her headphones off and put it around her neck and walked over to where the woman was.

She tapped the woman on the shoulder Excuse me miss are you okay?

The woman was turned around looking stunned and frightened when Tiffany asked her if she was lost or needed help. The frightened woman burst out crying and Tiffany pulled the woman in a hug and tried to calm the woman who was crying on her shoulder.

Shhhhhhhhh shhhhhhhh   Tiffany whispered everything is okay. Breathe in and out it helps she explained to the woman. Doing the breathing technique with the frantic woman seems to help her calm her down and stop the woman crying The woman begins to speak in a soft low voice she felt silly for the outburst and embarrassed. She explained to Tiffany the situation and told her that her husband is looking for her and her child, that she ran away and is currently on the run but she feels her husband knows where she is and that he was a very bad guy. She and took her baby in fear of their lives. She did what any mother would do if they're lives were in danger. Her husband and she had a fight a few nights ago and he attacked her and he slapped her around a few times. She explained that she loved her husband but he was possessive and he never used to be this violent but before she was pregnant he had beaten her up so badly he broke three of her ribs and her arm had a sprain, so this time when it happened she decided to leave and she wanted to give her child a chance to have a happy life not having to grow up thinking it was right that woman should get beaten up for raising a question or her opinions that needed to be heard.

Tiffany was shocked she did not know how to react to this information. She asked the woman if she can call anyone like a relative or police even but the woman was in such a state she was too afraid that her husband will find her. She told Tiffany her husband was powerful and had people looking for her and the baby. Tiffany offered the woman her bottle of water thinking that this poor woman must be hungry and thirsty. Looking at the cute baby in the stroller reminded her so much of how she wanted a family of her own in the future. The baby had stopped crying and tiffany bent down to introduce her to the little one that was just looking at her with the biggest dark brown eyes. The baby grabbed her index finger and held tight onto it squeezing it. Tiffany thought that it was the cutest thing that happened to her. She loved babies and there were the adorable human beings on earth. The baby was no more than one year old. What's your name tiffany talked to him in a cute baby voice.

Well, I'm Tiffany and I'm pleased to meet you little one. The baby smiled at her and she smiled right back. Ooooooooooooooooh you're so adorable I can just eat you up!!!!!! She felt pleased with herself, she thinks she would make a great mother but also feeling she have a lot of trust issues. She would never be able to leave her child like her mother did no matter what circumstances.

She felt a bond between a mother and child was sacred nothing should be able to break that unless the other person has died. So how could her mother and father just up and leave? How could she be such a burden to them that they would dump her like she was trash and just throw her away? A lot of things didn't matter to her or make sense but she felt if she scratches on that topic a lot of people might get hurt like her parents and she loved them too much to go look for parents that threw her away when she was only 1 year old. Growing up and having to know all this information was hard on her and maybe she has not dealt with it the way she was supposed to.

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang !!!!!

The next thing tiffany felt was a sharp pain on the back of her head, her head was throbbing with pain and it felt hot and wet. Everything happened to fast. Her legs gave in from under her and she fell over on her side, her head hitting the ground and her eyes felt heavy like she wanted to sleep. A knee or an elbow jammed into her lower back pinning her down. She has heard the woman screaming hysterically and saw faint images of 2 or 3 guys, one was dragging the woman and the other one took the baby stroller. Tiffany tried to fight, she scratched the guys face that was pinning her down but he was so much stronger than she was and a very big build guy. She tried to scream but it was hard breathing. Her body was aching, her sides, her legs, her arms but with the little energy she could muster she tried to fight back thinking this won't be the day she dies this cannot be how she dies.

Her head felt heavy and the man that had her pinned down was hovering over her kicking her till she could not move a muscle, her body was numb, she could not block any of the attacks. She was too weak and she was substance to many injuries she had no energy to fight back. The pain was unbearable. She grabbed onto his pants but he kicked her hand away and stepped on her fingers, spitting on her as he rambled some words and walked away.

She could still hear faint screaming of the woman screaming until there was just silence and everything went dark and still. 

to continue........................ 

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