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Everyone waited outside the medbay hoping their friends would pull through.

Until Ratchet came out and told them that Arachnid was going to be fine and was awake. And that Knock Out was touch and go for awhile but was going to make a full recovery and was currently resting.

But for some reason Starscream wouldn't regain consciousness but appeared fine other then the fact that he wouldn't wake up.

"Why won't he wake up?" Asked Bumblebee.

"I think he may have received some processor damage in the blast." Ratchet explained.

"Is there anything we can do?" Asked Megatron.

"If he still had his trine they could attempt to use their bond to bring him out of it." Ratchet told them. "But unfortunately both Sky Warp and Thundercracker were offlined during the war."

"But what if I could form a trine bond and use it to bring him back." Asked Battlecry.

"It might work but just in theory." Ratchet said to her.

"I'll try anything he's my brother and I want him to be ok." Said Battlecry agreeing to help. Then she and Ratchet went back to the medbay so he could help her form the trine bond with Starscream.

After he told Battlecry how to form the trine bond and she did as he instructed she started calling out to Starscream through their bond.

At first he didn't respond but Battlecry kept at it until she could hear him calling out to her over the trine bond.

"Battlecry?" She heard him ask weakly.

"Come on Starscream we need you to wake up and come back to us." Battlecry practically pleaded with her brother.

"Ok I'll try." Starscream answered her.

Then Starscream slowly opened his optics and raised his helm up from the berth. As Battlecry ran over and wrapped her servos around him in a hug.

"I'm so glad your ok." She told him.

"Thank you for bringing me of that." Starscream said to her. As the brother and sister continued to hug.

Then Ratchet had to check Starscream over to make sure everything was working properly. And a few minutes later reported that Starscream was going to be fine and the seeker would make a full recovery.

Which everyone was glad to hear.

Meanwhile Knock Out woke up in his room were they had moved him so he could rest. Ratchet had said he would need to stay on bed rest for a few days until he could properly recover.

Knock Out was still feeling weak and out of it from what he'd just gone through. So he decided to try to get some more recharge so closed his optics deciding to get some more rest.

When he thought he heard pedsteps he figured it was one of the vehicons or someone coming to check on him. Because he heard them stop at his bedside.

The red medic opened his optics only for them to widen in terror when he saw Lockdown standing over him having broken into the base again.

Knock Out started to scream for help but Lockdown clamped his servo over his mouth to silence him. Knock Out was to weak to fight back right now and Lockdown knew it.

"You just won't die will you?" Lockdown hissed in Knock Out's audio receptors while the cherry colored transformer could only look up at him in horror while still trying desperately to cry out for help. "Well now you'll really suffer but not nearly as much as Ratchet."

Knock Out's fear was suddenly replaced by rage at hearing Lockdown threaten his friend. But he was still to weak to put up much of a struggle.

Then Lockdown took out a syringe that he injected into Knock Out's neckcables making him grunt in pain.

"Now you'll sleep for awhile but when you wake up you'll wish you hadn't." Lockdown said as he kept his servo over Knock Out's mouth until the other mech lost consciousness as the shot took effect.

Then he started to move Knock Out off the berth but before his servo touched the red mech a web shot out and caught his servo.

"Leave him alone!" Hissed Arachnid who had shot the web at him. She had gotten up for an energon cube and passed Knock Out's room on the way to the mess hall and saw what was going on.

"This doesn't concern you!" Lockdown growled at the spider femme.

"Yes it does when you threatened any of the Autobots." Arachnid shot back. "Just what were you planning to do to him?"

"I'm planning to bury him alive so he'll slowly die after being starved of energon assuming he doesn't rust first." Lockdown explained in a mocking tone.

"No your not I'm getting the first Autobot I run into to take you to the brig." Arachnid told him.

But Lockdown suddenly used his blade to free himself from her webs and lunged at her.

Arachnid dodged and took off running knowing she was still recovering and wouldn't be able to take him right now without help.

Lockdown ran after her deciding Knock Out could wait. And chased the spider down the hallway.

Arachnid ran down the hallway until she came to a dead end. Then Lockdown fired his fusion cannon at her.

Arachnid managed to dodge it but not entirely and was grazed by it and ended up falling to the floor. And the next thing she knew she was being yanked up by Lockdown who had his blade out and was holding it to her neckcables. And she knew this was it.

"Lockdown let her go now!" Megatron's voice yelled from down the hallway. Having come to check on Knock Out and heard the chase going on and went to investigate.

"One more step and she dies!" Lockdown growled holding the blade against Arachnid's neckcables.

"Lockdown let Arachnid go she has nothing to do with any of this." Megatron tried to reason.

Lockdown suddenly slammed Arachnid against the wall and lunged at Megatron. Arachnid was laying there conscious but stunned and could only watch them struggle.

When suddenly a missile came out of nowhere and shot Lockdown in the shoulder knocking him into the wall then he hit the floor with a thud where he laid unconscious.

"Oh I'm so sorry... Starscream voice started to say but stopped mid sentence when he saw who his missile hit. "That was for Metalhawk and Sky Fire." The seeker told the downed killer.

Megatron checked to see if Arachnid was ok. And was relieved to see that she was fine.

"Great timing with that missile Starscream you just took down the killer and saved both our sparks." Megatron told the seeker.

"Yes that's what I ment to do." Starscream replied. "I didn't trip and accidentally fire my missile at all."

"That's exactly what you did isn't it?" Arachnid teased him.

"Yeah maybe." Starscream admitted and if he was human he would have been blushing.

Then Bumblebee and Optimus came and took Lockdown to the brig till they could take him to the authorities.

And Knock Out woke up a little while later and Ratchet check him over and luckily Lockdown had just given him a circuit booster to knock him out and other then that he was fine and glad to hear Lockdown was now behind bars.

And they were all glad the killer wouldn't hurt anyone else.

To Be Continued.

Well that's all for this chapter next is the epilogue. And I'll try to have it up soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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