Friends In Need

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They wasted no time getting to the hospital and Megatron told First Aid and Red Alert about his conversation with Knock Out.

Then they all spilt up to look for the red transformer knowing they had to find him soon if they were going to save him.

While Megatron rushed to where Starscream's room was knowing the seeker was in danger as well.

On his way there he ran into Pharma who he attacked and slammed into the wall.

"What did you do to Knock Out?" Megatron hissed. "And what have you been doing to Starscream?"

Just then Ratchet got there.

"Ratchet Megatron has lost his mind he's attacking me." Pharma told the other medic who didn't buy any of it.

"Save it Knock Out called Megatron and told him that you tried to kill him and that Starscream was in danger." Ratchet said to him.

"Now tell us what's been going on around here?" Ratchet asked Pharma.

"I haven't seen Knock Out all night and Megatron was leader of the Decepticons they aren't exactly known for their honesty." Pharma told him.

"Knock Out called me and he sounded hurt and terrified and said you tried to kill him and begged me to save Starscream!" Megatron bellowed trying and failing to keep his temper in check. "And were not leaving until we see them both and know their ok."

"Starscream's condition hasn't changed and Knock Out was just as delusional as the seeker was I think he took off some where." Pharma told them.

"Wait you just said you hadn't seen Knock Out all night so how do you know if he's delusional?" Ratchet pointed out. "You can't say he is without admitting you've seen him."

"I have work to do." Pharma said trying to change the subject and wanting to leave realizing his error.

"Where is he?" Ratchet asked again.

"It doesn't matter your already too late." Pharma said as he shoved past the two of them and took off down the hallway with both mechs in pursuit.

But he had disappeared before they caught up to him and escaped.

"We need to find him and make that monster pay!" Megatron growled wanting answers as to why the medic had been hurting Starscream and Knock Out and just wanting to know what was going on?

"Wait more importantly when you lashed out at Pharma just now where was he coming from?" Asked Ratchet.

"No!" Megatron cried and his optics widened as he realized Pharma had come from the direction of Starscream's room. Then he rushed down the hallway hoping to find the seeker still alive and well and that it wasn't too late.

Meanwhile Knock Out had regained consciousness but unfortunately his com-link had stopped working. And he was still weak and hurt to badly to move.

And to make matters worse he was still bleeding a large amount of energon and it was a struggle to stay online. He felt so tired all he wanted to do was recharge but was struggling to stay awake knowing if he passed out he may not wake up again.

Knock Out didn't think he would survive so he took one of his digits and put it in some of the energon he'd been leaking and started using it to write something on the floor.

If he was going to die he wanted to make sure everyone knew who killed him so he was writing Pharma's name so whoever found him would see it.

But it was really hard to focus do to how much energon he was losing and his servos kept trembling and he couldn't keep them steady until they suddenly just stopped working.

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