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Everyone who was still at the base rushed to Starscream's room after hearing the explosion.

Fortunately they managed to get the fire out but both Starscream and Arachnid were badly injured and remained unresponsive. So since Ratchet and Knock Out were neither one at base they called First Aid and Red Alert then rushed them both to the medbay.

It didn't take the two medics long to get there and then First Aid started treating Starscream while Red Alert was trying to save Arachnid.

Everyone was worried about the two former Cons but right now all they could do was wait outside the medbay.

Meanwhile Megatron, Optimus and Ratchet were looking for Knock Out and Battlecry.

They decided to split up to cover more ground. And Megatron found Battlecry who unfortunately had found Predaking who was attacking her.

Megatron ran over to try to help her. And Optimus also saw what was going on and went to help them both.

"Predaking Battlecry has done nothing to you stand down." Optimus tried to reason with the Predacon.

"But she is Starscream's sister and what better way to get revenge for the demise of Sky Lenx and Darksteel then to show that seeker what it's like to lose one's brethren." Predaking told them.

"Predaking Starscream has changed since the war." Megatron said to him.

"Changed but not yet paid!" Predaking roared. "And if there's one mech I hate more then him it's you!"

"I wronged you and I don't deny it and I'm willing to take responsibility for my actions as well as Starscream's so if it's a spark you want take mine." Megatron told him as he withdrew his wepans and stood with his arm out leaving himself exposed. "But you must spare both Starscream and Battlecry."

"Megatron!" Both Optimus and Battlecry yelled seeing the gladiator about to give himself up in exchange for the sparks of Battlecry and Starscream.

"You have changed." Said Predaking. "Maybe if you can change there is hope for the seeker yet?" "I will spare all of you but do not make me regret it."

"We won't." Megatron promised. "And I'm sorry for everything we did to you and for what happened to your fellow Predacons."

Predaking just transformed into his dragon from and flew off. Then Battlecry walked over and punched Megatron across the faceplates.

"Don't ever do that again how dare you scare us like that!" Battlecry scolded him. "It's a wonder you survived the war at all talk about reckless."

"Your welcome." Megatron told her. "She is definitely Starscream's sister." He thought.

Optimus just watched them. He was proud of how far Megatron had come since being leader of the Decepticons he had gone from an evil warlord to a mech who was willing to sacrifice himself for his friends. And Optimus was glad to see that he had changed for the better and was acting like the gladiator he had been friends with long ago before the war.

Then they went to find Ratchet so they could look for Knock Out.

Meanwhile while the others had been dealing with Predaking Ratchet found a cave and went to check it out. And upon getting to the end of it he spotted Knock Out laying on a berth strapped down on it.

Ratchet rushed over to him and could tell he'd been hurt and had been given more circuit boosters at one point.

He was covered in dents, scratchs and even a few cracks and he was leaking energon in a quite a few places. And Ratchet could tell Lockdown had been torturing the red medic.

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